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Endgame Enchanter Power?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Slayerwolf, Apr 24, 2019.

  1. Daedly Augur

    I totally expected to find an AE and single target Tash AA and an AE and single target slow AA. Like my shaman has. I just thought I was missing it cause I couldn't believe that enchanters don't have it.
    Cailen likes this.
  2. Metanis Bad Company

    Kinda funny, enchanters are probably "THE" class most associated with Mana since they got all the best mana generation buffs. But actually play one now at the end-game stage and they're always hurting for mana. DEVs really tore them down and put them at the back of the bus. And then like a double whammy they not only took away the mana regen but the DPS too. /sad
    Mintalie, Cailen, RPoo and 2 others like this.
  3. Akirrah Journeyman

    I only box an enchanter and use my druid for pulling but am intrigued by this point

    Can you please explain a little about how you use this to pull ?

    Thanks in advance
  4. Drogba Augur

    cast on a mob that's in a pile, and it comes single.
    Yendar likes this.
  5. Brohg Augur

    RIP Arcane Whisper
    Mintalie, RPoo, IblisTheMage and 2 others like this.
  6. kizant Augur

    Regardless enchanters still have some of the best methods for pulling. If someone is using a druid instead then they must not need an actual puller in the first place.
    Yendar likes this.
  7. Derresh Augur

  8. Whulfgar Augur

    Enchanters are pure badasses.. nuff said..
    RPoo likes this.
  9. Bigstomp Augur

    I watched a full raid geared group (my guild so I know how they were geared) wipe a few times to a named. I was grouped with a chanter and my box cleric. We figured worst case we die, we were wrapping for the night. We smoked it purely because of the chanters runes and other stuff.
    RPoo and Whulfgar like this.
  10. Whulfgar Augur

    Yeah man. Chanters.. me love Lon time!!
    Bigstomp likes this.
  11. Fian Augur

    Enchanters do kill slow, but due to their cc abilities they can solo in places that most solo classes can't as adds are not a problem. I am a max AA enc. With my summoned pet, it can tank any trash mob that I can stun (you don't have to stun that often, just when the pet gets behind in heals). I avoid mobs that are unstunable, although maybe those would be possible if my pet was wearing mage pet gear.
  12. Dovhesi Elder


    Yes, enc runes are nice. I just hope that you are not implying that enchanters should keep all those runes memmed while doing group content/camping named, and to focus on keeping those runes stacked on their group. Tbh, I very rarely mem group runes of any kind really outside of raids (sorry?). I will normally only spare 1 spell gem to be used for memming a rune, and it will be my self-only rune (I will hit my group with reactive rune and glyph spray AAs).

    If there is some downtime/med break or whatever I may try to mem and throw out skriz, milyex, etc etc...but, other than that, who has time to be casting and re-casting runes on the group while killing monsters/named (not to mention who has the extra spell gems on their spell bar to mem 3 or 4 runes)? Again, I'm only speaking in terms of group content; if there is a raid event that calls for enchanters to have assignments for casting certain runes on their groups or the entire raid, then that's obviously an exception.

    Tl;dr: If you are an enchanter and you're spending your time focusing on keeping runes on your group (aside from quick AA rune clicks) instead of nuking/DoT'ing and putting up damage, then you are neglecting your main roles apart from CC, which are to debuff and provide proper adps to your group (by wracking up synergy/chromatic haze/GGoM procs).
  13. RPoo Augur

    I know I'm in the minority but I still don't see the Bite of Tashani as a nerf. Considering how much time would have been spent otherwise casting singles on a pack of mobs given the GCD, just a matter of right timing upon INC...
  14. RPoo Augur

    And I also love NET and love handing it out so sue me.
    Mintalie likes this.
  15. Ismel Augur

    no no no! its a single target buff with a hella annoying 45 sec recast, that do not stack with Jann´s Veil click, it needs to be nuke from orbit with tungsten rod! possible a highly radioactive rod.

    The idea of giving us something to buff mele with aside from haste isnt a bad one, but this is not the way.

    Lawsuit pending! ;)
    Cailen likes this.
  16. RPoo Augur

    Hehe don't get me wrong, it could be better, more convenient, more efficient, but also don't take it away from me!
  17. Tucoh Augur

    I do too, and wish it was both a bigger part of being an enchanter as well as required more focus to keep up. I love gameplay elements that separate good/attentive from bad / lazy players.
  18. Yendar Augur

    I’d this new that it stoped stacking with the Jann’s Veil? I didn’t remember that before.
  19. Yendar Augur

    You don’t need to kill stunnable mobs. You should be using next to catch up on heals (chaotic mez for twincast procs). After you dot the mob up, just chain cast chaotic mez and your two mind nukes over and over until you need to refresh dots. That will be plenty of mezzed time between ticks for the heals to catch up, and increase your dps, lower your mana usage etc
    RPoo and Brohg like this.
  20. Brohg Augur

    lol then you can be the one guy that keeps single target Mana Repetition on your party on top of the aura. NET having a minute recast is annoying.
    Tucoh likes this.