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Enchanters will now feel the DoT nerfs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by mmats, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. Runzen Elder

    Shaman - Greatly reduced the damage of combined DoTs above level 70.
    - Shaman - Increased the damage on Curse of Sisslak so that it is an upgrade to Bane as intended. Increased damage on higher level spells in the Blood of Saryrn DoT line as a result.

    is still not in line with what they were before being combined

  2. Ninelder Augur

    Your opinion of me doesn't change the effects of the over-nerfing. I will pass on your sentiments to all the people from the grinder guilds who actively try to recruit me.

    By all means continue trolling in your bid to win the DPS class war for one-handed distracted players of your class above anyone actually trying.
  3. Ninelder Augur

    I agree with you, and it was and still is overhanded. My post was to clear up the trolls misconception that both classes dots were un-nerfed to be better than they were in TBM. Some of the druid lines are still abysmal and kicked back to a VoA level of DPS.
  4. Verily Tjark Augur

    I am a part time raider at best now, and I made the comment the other night on raids that with mostly TBM gear and no rk 3 spells I was still top 5 parse as enchanter. I thought it was kind of silly so I'm not surprised by the DPS nerf.

    What I struggle with is what some other Enc have already expressed... what's our role on raids? The last 3 expacs now we have been primarily DPS on raids. The last time I remember using CC primarily throughout an expac was TDS, and those were some fun raids for an enchanter, imo.

    DoTing all the adds and throwing in DD in between to destroy traditional DPS classes on parse is fun, for a while... it's a lot of work switching targets and pressing all those buttons, but it's not really a challenge.

    CC heavy raids are more challenging and a lot more fun for this enchanter at least.
  5. kizant Augur

    I am sure you are a very good healer and any of those guilds would be lucky to have you.
    Brohg and Fintank like this.
  6. menown Augur

    Wait wait wait. Is this fake news? When did I say those things in your quote of me?
  7. Liljit Augur

    VOA > ROF > COTF

    Inc COTF Beta Raid parse, entire night combined:

    /GU Zzatazz (18), A spiteful lich (18), A spiteful shade (16), A spiteful banshee (11), A royal scout (11) in 12507s, 2941657k @235201 ---
    #41 Siwin + pets 19248k@1539 (1696 in 11349s) [0.65%] ---
    #57 Liljit 7817k@625 (637 in 12281s) [0.27%] ---
    #59 Starshinne 6229k@498 (507 in 12296s) [0.21%]

    /GU -vs- Zzatazz (18), A spiteful lich (18), A spiteful shade (16), A spiteful banshee (11), A royal scout (11), Liljit healed: --- Flatliner: 4109673 --- Liljit: 3008362 --- Elkar: 2209631 --- Madbull: 1824582 --- Datankers: 1601716 --- Pestilence: 1259788


    Droga Raid During RoS Era Pre-Druid Nerf

    /GU High Priest of Droga (1), The Incarnate Droga (1) in 224s, 293019k @1308121 ---
    #1 Liljit + pets 70532k@314877 (320602 in 220s) [24.07%]

    I think we can all agree that druid DPS was OP. Enough with the sky is falling, over exaggerating.
    kizant likes this.
  8. Lazipuppy Journeyman

    I know it's very unlikely, but it would be great if they give us our original spiritual rebuke back. Shmmy dot was a bit op, so nerf was probably needed, but I never understood the reason behind messing up with our root aa. I returned for a while, maxed my shmmy's aa, and just let him stay silver now, if they make a new aa(since the old name has been used for ae root) that function like our old spiritual rebuke, I would eat a krono to buy it :)
  9. Liljit Augur

    I know at least 1 other shaman who main changed away from shaman and hates playing the shaman related to the consolidation of the punts/roots and dot revamps. The root consolidation made no sense.
  10. Baykun New Member

    Get outta my head :)
    Liljit likes this.
  11. Phess New Member

    Was there truly a for this? Perhaps someone needed to feel busy.
  12. Brohg Augur

    Clerics are easiest, have the most robust tool set, but dru & especially shm direct healing ability is totally sufficient in "solved" encounters. There may be a cultural challenge getting them to devote full time to pro-active heal spam, but the class is capable.
  13. Cadira Augur


    A good shaman can work to an in a pinch, but let me know how your raids go when you replace all the cleric with shaman.
    Ambition likes this.
  14. RPoo Augur

  15. Brohg Augur

    I believe pretty firmly that if my raid's current, good cleric players were compelled in some way to take their skills and attitude to all play with shaman spells/abilities instead of cleric spells/abilities some evening, we would still easily win all of the events we normally do. It's entirely likely that there'd be less risk of catastrophe in some encounters. Pursuant to Lianeb's post that I quoted, there is no absolutely indispensable class in EverQuest raiding.
    Cadira likes this.
  16. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    All dem 90%. We have some guildies that would end up 108 soon.
  17. Brohg Augur

    collateral benefit : those players might be forced to learn the self-preservation abilities pretty much every class has some variety of to deploy :p
    Thunderkiks likes this.
  18. Rosarchx New Member

    Really Daybreak grow a spine stop nerfing and stop deleting posts that attack your nerfs.

    Yimin likes this.
  19. Rosarchx New Member

    Sell the Game if you can't handle the heat Daybreak.

    Yimin likes this.
  20. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Try playing better. Or being a rational human being.

    You saw druid and shaman dots revamp, followed by nerf. You knew that enchanter ones were going to get nerfed. If you didn't, you were being oblivious or dumb. You are not dps. You are not special. You do not deserve to have cc related raid mechanics on every raid.

    Haste and clarity please!