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Enchanters will now feel the DoT nerfs

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by mmats, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. mmats Augur

    Waiting on exact details once the patch files drop and we can see how bad it is :(
  2. Sancus Augur

    [57285/6730] Mind Tempest Rk. III
    Classes: ENC/110
    Skill: Alteration
    Mana: 11256
    Mana: 10156
    Target: Single
    Range: 200'
    Resist: Lowest -30
    Reflectable: Yes
    Trigger Spell DS: Yes
    Focusable: Yes
    Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
    Casting: 3s, Recast: 9s, Timer: 16, Rest: 1.5s
    Duration: 30s+ (5 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
    Hate Mod: -30385
    2: Decrease Current Mana by 5466 per tick
    4: Decrease Current HP by 47478 per tick
    5: Return 5.8% of Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 2754
    Hate Mod: -28156
    2: Decrease Current Mana by 2497 per tick
    4: Decrease Current HP by 20111 per tick
    5: Return 2.7% of Damage as Mana, Max Per Hit: 556

    [57239/6752] Deluding Constriction Rk. III
    Classes: ENC/109
    Skill: Alteration
    Mana: 5057
    Mana: 6510
    Target: Single
    Range: 200'
    Resist: Magic -21
    Reflectable: Yes
    Trigger Spell DS: Yes
    Focusable: Yes
    Casting: 3s, Recast: 6s, Rest: 1.5s
    Duration: 42s+ (7 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
    Hate Mod: -5760
    1: Decrease Current HP by 8598
    1: Decrease Current HP by 6327
    3: Decrease Chance to Hit by 10%
    4: Decrease Magic Resist by 33
    5: Decrease Current HP by 9002 per tick
    5: Decrease Current HP by 6032 per tick

    [57198/6714] Strangulate Rk. III
    Classes: ENC/108
    Skill: Alteration
    Mana: 10335
    Mana: 10122
    Target: Single
    Range: 200'
    Resist: Lowest
    Reflectable: Yes
    Trigger Spell DS: Yes
    Focusable: Yes
    Casting: 3s, Recast: 1.5s, Rest: 1.5s
    Duration: 48s+ (8 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
    Hate Mod: -11960
    1: Decrease Current HP by 38564
    4: Decrease Current HP by 18329 per tick
    1: Decrease Current HP by 28314
    4: Decrease Current HP by 11748 per tick

    For inquiring minds.

    Edit: formatting didn't go through. Should be fixed now.
  3. mmats Augur


    Actually expected this sooner along with the druid/shaman dot nerfs. Cant say its not deserved especially in the case of the Mind Tempest line.
    Zaknaffein likes this.
  4. Maedhros High King

    Yikes neutered. What a bummer. It's been nice getting something out of chanters since there hasn't been more than a handful of raids with any need to cc in recent EQ.
    It's also been nice having chanters logging in. This is yet another heavy handed nerf when a smaller adjustment would have sufficed.
    Needs to be reconsidered.
    Sindaiann, Yimin and Sancus like this.
  5. Sindaiann Augur

    Absolute joke.

    We gonna get any meaningful CC raids or we just gonna continue another 3 or 4 years this way?
    Cailen and Whulfgar like this.
  6. Zaknaffein Augur

    Was expected.

    Mages are next, then SK's!
  7. Brohg Augur

    lol nope, SK devs~
    Cailen, moogs, Allayna and 2 others like this.
  8. Lazipuppy Journeyman

    Even though I know this is probably reasonable for balancing, it still feels bad. I got my chanter 110 and most important aa, was planning to pl another one so I can xfer him to another server to play with some friends, now I feel lazy.
  9. Brohg Augur

    The mana return nerf feels especially savage. The dot already had to last at least half a minute to have a chance of payback, now it just totally can't pay back ever. What even is the dot now, why even have the mana return? This happened to the necro mana-impacting dot too, just totally lost identity and became another random damage spell.
    Felicite likes this.
  10. Everquest Player New Member

    maybe they can randomize it like hot-zones where damages on spells and weapons randomly move each month +- 50 to 200% :)
  11. Spellfire Augur

    hey now, don't give them any ideas :p
  12. Cleaver Augur


    Judge swings a good bat not as good as EQ Devs swing the nerf bat apparently.
  13. bigpapa Augur

    I am boxing 4 toons since many years .....................

    shaman ------->>> got huge nerfs on dots

    druid -------->>> got huge nerfs on dots

    chanter ------>>> we will see how big the dot nerfs

    mage -------------->>> ( I guess they are the next? to be nerfed ).

    I guess I will need to get use to kill much slower after all the nerfs. :mad:
  14. IblisTheMage Augur

    The pattern has been to overnerf, have a month of heated debate, then partially de-nerf, leaving the imvolved parties with some sense of improvement, leading to acceptance, then it becomes the new normal. Either by chance, or by design, this seems to work.
  15. kizant Augur

    The 9 second recast on mind tempest seems like the big mistake to me. The rest would have been plenty.
    mmats and Sancus like this.
  16. Thoxsel Djess' Pet Warrior

    Ouch my poor enchanter alt. Was great while it lasted - hope they partially peel back on these very heavy handed nerfs.
  17. OliverT New Member

    I just cancelled both of my accounts.
  18. OliverR New Member

  19. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    My 4 will renew in 2 days on autopay.
    Daedly likes this.
  20. Bigstomp Augur

    CC's easy. We just tank it and make the chanters totallly irrelevant.