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Enchanter nerf

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Verily Tjark, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Tubbycat Journeyman

    Enchanters were probably a bit too strong in terms of DPS. They probably could have used a ~10-15% DPS reduction. This current nerf is pretty crazy TBH.
  2. Tubbycat Journeyman

    Well, that's your problem:

    Triton doesn't have any good Necros - Shoeyy is decent, but the rest need remedial training! They do have some pretty good Druids, however!
  3. Allayna Augur

    The only calendar you'll ever need!


    They just throw in some nerfs here and there on other classes to "balance". Sadly enchanters are feeling it now.

    Good luck finding druids who actually enjoy playing anymore after getting nerfed into oblivion.
  4. I-WANT-IT-NOW Augur

    Yeah the poor druids now.

    They went from a priest class that had ok dps before any dot changes. And ended up now being a priest class that has very solid dps.

    I could see how they all quit after they lost being a priest and a top dps class simultaneously.
  5. S33k3r Augur

    I'm still here playing my Druid and enjoying the class. Even after the last change Druids can still put out some decent damage.
  6. Spellfire Augur

    'Nerfed into oblivion' is not a term I would use to describe current druid dps.
    Drogba, Sancus, Brohg and 1 other person like this.
  7. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    TF does enchanter dot dps have to do with the state of SKs or Mages? The rear end hurt is apparently pretty strong.
    Sancus likes this.
  8. kizant Augur

    Druid raid DPS is still very good. Are you referring to something else?
  9. Jetslam Augur

    As is shaman dps and now ench dps. Neither of those 3 classes should be competing for top spot on raids, and now none of them are. Win - Win - Win.
    Sancus likes this.
  10. Jetslam Augur

    >1 mana per base tick amount? You've got it good.

    Try being a shaman.
    15.7k mana for 10.2k base.
    18k mana for 4.6k base.
    11k mana for 8k base.
    13.2k mana for 12.7k base.
    21.8k mana for 9.8k base.
    17.3k mana for 13.7k base.
    13.4k mana for 12.3k base.
    Genusii likes this.
  11. Scornfire The Nimbus Prince

    Get your filthy DoTs off my mobs Jet~
    Venau likes this.
  12. Nenake Elder

    Axxius is just salty he can't break top 10 on the parse !
  13. kizant Augur

    You're probably right but I don't know for sure where shaman ended up raid wise and I haven't seen enough enc parses yet. I just know that good druids should still consider themselves a solid raid dps class at this point.
  14. Jetslam Augur

    I can't DPS on most events due to raid make up/assignments, but when I can, I can generally still do ~250k on T2.1 and ~200k on Cactus events. Those are the only two that I DPS on consistently. That's normally good enough for top 15-20 which is decent enough in my mind. Sometimes if I do really well and others slack I'll be near top 10.
    kizant likes this.
  15. Jetslam Augur

    I'm like an alligator. Once I get hold of my debuff slots, you'll have to kill me to get them back.
  16. Ninelder Augur

    Wow those look sweet, try 18k for 1800. Its okay though that's the dot that massively raises mainly necro DPS. And since they were the biggest whiners begging for the nerf, we have no trouble not casting that anymore.
  17. menown Augur

    What spell are you talking about?
  18. TubJumper New Member

    The main issue I find, having played with several guilds, is the overlapping ADPS is not stacked like you mention.

    In a group where it's like ranger/beast/bard + 2 casters (typically mage/wiz or whatever) and you add twincast + iog + TGB black wolf etc, you can see absolutely unreal results. Even if you just do bard/casters + enc + tgb buffs you still see unreal results. The issue is I don't see a lot of people really utilizing this outside of the top guilds.

    Tranquil blessings is a perfect example, of the top guilds how long did it take to realize you could TB before engage and do things like double paragon? or double auspice? things that have huge real world results...and went completely unnoticed. It feels like they are making changes based on the absolute top end worse scenarios possible instead of what happens on average, but thats just my 2c
  19. kizant Augur

    I only mentioned enc stuff though. Like if you had no other ADPS then the enc should just click/do all those things I listed and at the same time. Nothing really complicated about it. The only real problem is you need at least 1 person in group who's willing to yell at and pester people if they don't click things quick enough or at the right time.
  20. TubJumper New Member

    That's true but keep in mind there are a lot of guilds were asking for buffs/telling some one what to do is not allowed, or at least looked down upon.