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Enchanter nerf

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Verily Tjark, Jun 21, 2018.

  1. Verily Tjark Augur

    You have lost your dam minds DBG.

    This is ridiculous. I have managed to get by with the other nerfs, but this one is wow...

    If you have an enchanter alt or box 3-4 accounts a time, it probably won't affect your play that much. I molo with a charm pet (or used to). That method is effectively over. Sure, you can still do it, but it's no longer efficient enough to make it worth doing.

    Raids should be interesting... we are back to just weaving 3 nukes. At least I don't have to worry about DoTing every mob in the world now. Thanks?
    Cailen and tom jones like this.
  2. Dewey Augur

    First they came for the Beastlords, and I did not speak out--
    Because I was not a Beastlord.
    Then they came for the Druids, and I did not speak out--
    Because I was not a Druid.
    Then they came for the Shaman, and I did not speak out--
    Because I was not a Shaman.
    Then they came for Enchanters--and there was no one left to speak for me.

    Sorry I play a druid and the wife plays a shaman. We only use the enchanter as a buff bot, so I can't help you in your matter.
    Zhaunil_AB and Quatr like this.
  3. I-WANT-IT-NOW Augur

    I just really don't get any of these whiny complaints about dots. Every single class that had its dots changed is now doing more damage than they were before it all started. Classes that traditionally were not top dps classes knew eventually it was going to be better tuned from his first pass mistakes.
    complexication and Verily Tjark like this.
  4. Verily Tjark Augur

    The rub is that if we're not supposed to DPS, then what is our role? Over the last 3 expac, we have no significant CC on raids, which I would much rather do than DPS anyway.

    This nerf affects my "group content" play style too, but that's just something I will have to get over or group with people (ewww lol).
  5. I-WANT-IT-NOW Augur

    Reducing your dot from insane to just a powerful tool isn't class breaking. Outside of broken mana return prior and during dot revamps your dots are better now then had he never touched them damage wise. You were never meant to be beating out rogues or other dps classes. Enchanters still bring solid dps to the table and retain all the other stuff that the class brings that people are just dismissing. Adps, charming, mezzing, runes, debuffs and on an on. When chanters are allowed to use all their tools they trivialize content. When they can't they still provide good dps and great adps.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare likes this.
  6. Cicelee Augur

    I agree that on raids, enchanters need more "enchanter" things to do than just hit IOG when a burn is called, and cast haste/clarity when necessary.

    However the crying and complaining from the non raid enchanters is a bit absurd. In the group game, enchanters basically trivialize content. I have struggled mightily on certain parts of progression, only to see an enchanter just waltz in and do whatever is needed. Enchanters, at least those that are well played, are some of the most powerful players in Everquest. That doesn't mean they can kill a mob as fast as, say, a berserker or wizard... but it means if 8 mobs run right to them they can kill all 8. Whereas the berserker or wizard is dead.

    Every class has its place in the game. Every class can do things that other classes are envious of. If all the poor enchanters want to shelf their enchanter cause of a 50% reduction (or whatever it is) in dot damage, then so be it. The good, talented ones will continue to play.

    I remember the magician PoShadows and Evantil beam phase of the game, when beams got changed and all the crappo magicians came out and whined and cried about how they can no longer beam 45 non summoning dark blue mobs at once. I remember when pet mitigation was changed a few years ago, when before you could basically /pet attack and watch Netflix or YouTube or Hulu and come back and the pet never got below 90 health. When that got changed to where you actually had to play the game and do something as a magician, all the crappo magicians came out and whined and cried then. I was glad they left, that allowed the good and talented ones to continue to thrive and play.

    Enchanters are fine in the group game. Yes the devs need to add in some crowd control stuff to raids to make enchanters feel special. Hopefully next expansion that happens...
    eepok likes this.
  7. Mazame Augur


    I agree with most of what you said. Chanter a great class if played by some one that know how to play them. I also like that they are not your normal class that you have to think out side the box. this make them very special.

    What I don't agree with is what you said about raids. I don't think any raid should require a class to win. I like when raid have options to do the event differently and still win. For example Gorowyn is a great raid, with a CC option. The top end guilds may or may not know about but the Magma in the forge area are Mezable. You can kill them if you have High DPS and for guild with out high DPS you can Mez and punt them. They will despawn when the next wave spawn and so in the end it a Option to kill them or CC them but based on your guilds play style and or DPS level .. These are the time of things I would like to see more of on raids. in that events have different ways to win then just DPS burn.

    When CC is not needed on raids their are other options for a chanter. most only think of the chanter as CC with Stuns / Mez / Charm. but these are not the only tools in a chanters bag.

    Runes are another tool we can use. It not a commonly used on but based on the guild and the event it can help. I been in a few guilds when rather then nuking I chain cast runes on the tanks. It not parsed so it hard to know the true effect of it but being in a guild that struggle on an event or was low on healing the runes I would like to believe help added to the win.

    The last thing I want is to see raid that require me to Sit on spend the whole event CCing those event may make a few ppl feel need but in the end they put me to sleep. I like events with different phases and CCing for 1 phase is ok but their other stuff I can do from DPS / to Runes and even buffing I know people may not like it but nothing feels better then some one sending a tell for a buff. people die on raids. healers / caster need mana. melee need haste. If they make events that require us to always be CCing then when ppl die were not able to help get them up and running again.

    My point is chanter are not just CC. we can do more. you want to make raids more fun then have them add in Options to do things in different ways and still get a win. The oozes in T2-2 that require Cold damage is a great example. yes you can use cold to get them down faster but it not required.

    Rather then have a raid a DPS check how about a raid that a Puzzle that needs to be solved. where different groups split up and have to complete tasks to unlock the puzzle. One of the best events I did in a game was where one person went to an area and could see a path then other people were then guide because on their screen the floor was gone. These are rolls that can be full filled by any class but would add a new feel to raids. Another example would be a Maze where as you enter the maze the some one has to stay behind to trigger a switch or stand on a trigger plate that hold a wall open. as the raid go deeper in it get smaller and smaller. It kind of what they did with Gorowyn but again changes up the game play with out requirement of you must have X class or you can't win.

    Change the raid but please don't lock anyone into a roll when all we do is cast the same spell over and over. It just not fun. let classes shine on an event here or there but it not needed on every event.
  8. Mediik Augur

    I think the DPS nerfs are just horrible. I still would like to hear an overall vision for DPS. What is the end game, cause I don’t see it. If only a few classes can put out decent dps thatS a worse state to be in than where we currently are.

    The most boring thing in eq is a low dps group.

    Welcome to eq boring.
  9. Millianna Augur

    I’d take a low DPS group over fedex quest any day of the week...
  10. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

  11. Lily Augur

    I haven't been around in awhile, but I read these forums occasionally. All I can say is, I'm glad I quit EQ.
  12. Axxius Augur

    Those were my exact thoughts when I saw Enchanter DPS in RoS. Did you honestly think it was intended?

    It's funny how these insane 'gifts' are received as something normal, but when they are taken away - it's a huge drama fest.

    Easy come, easy go.
  13. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    I think we should all listen to a wise enchanter from the druid nerf thread:

  14. Mediik Augur

    Feels more like.. "constant state of nerf"

    I'm still waiting for cleric DPS to "FLUX" into the broken phase :)
    Genusii likes this.
  15. bigpapa Augur

    DB crippled my boxing crew , I kill stuff much slower now ......:mad:
    mage ( still doing good ).....

    can't blame you.:oops:
  16. Verily Tjark Augur

    Nah, every enchanter knew the DoTs were overpowered. I don't think you would find someone to say otherwise.

    The problem I have with it is that they went too far (as they always do). I do think it will be rolled back somewhat in the future, but right now it stinks.
  17. Castwell New Member

    First thing folks need to remember is that Druid, Shaman and Enchanters are a utility class, not a DPS class and in no way should they ever be out DPSing classes that are pure DPS.

    When saw the first parses from the third event is Sathir's Tomb, I was shocked! Wizards were coming in 15 - 20th in the parse and you had Mages and Enchanters doing twice the damage, along with Zerkers, Rogues, Necros.
  18. kizant Augur

    Let's not add to the misinformation that we get on the forums. Wizards aren't being doubled and if you're not keeping up with Zerkers/Rogues on that event you're either missing ADPS or you're bad.
    Warpeace, Mehdisin Mahn and Sancus like this.
  19. Genusii Journeyman

  20. kizant Augur

    IoG, 3rd spire, twincast aura, mana rep aura, dicho, beguilers synergy, chromatic haze, and gift of chromatic haze all add a ton of DPS to your entire group. Lets not forget lingering cry that adds decent DPS to the entire raid. They may have over did things a little but encs are an essential class.
    Nifty Slacker and Sancus like this.