Enchanter Nerf Actually 30%

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by CabdruTTV, Jun 18, 2020.

  1. Kiaro Augur

    Yeah, you'd be hard pressed to find a group comp that doesn't involve root, or another class that can mez, or a tank that is competent enough to just taunt the pet and have it slowed until you get back.

    If you're in groups where these things are not happening, and they're just staring at you die to your charm pet, might be time to reconsider your "Family members" (read stuffed animals and waifu pillows) that are 2 boxing(6boxing) with you.
  2. Thalliius Augur

    I have enchanters regularly go AFK in my groups with a pet

    "AFK for bio, if my charm breaks just kill it" is a common thing in groups I'm in. We have managed it just fine every time it happens where the enchanter doesn't even come close to being killed, and that's with a fully buffed rock golem

    We also had an enchanter last week fall asleep at the keyboard, and we were able to keep him alive and kill pet without even being prepared for him not being there

    If I have to hear "risk/reward" regarding Enchanter charm one more time, I'm going to go nuts... Pretty soon chanters will be demanding a medal for their bravery in overcoming the "risks" of charming
  3. Duality Augur

    What is more dangerous... a chanter afking with a buffed pet, or a ranger afking in the corner? It's risk/reward here.
  4. Kiaro Augur

    You're confusing risk with willful stupidity.
    The ranger wouldn't afk with a mob root CC'd in front of them.
    If you have to afk (and are solo or don't trust your group) Kill the pet - bet you'll find another mob to charm within seconds of coming back!
  5. Angered Augur

    I think its time to admit to ourselves that we need to balance all classes around Charm pets or MNK fists for TLPs. What that means is simple every single class should do equal or more damage then a charmed enchanter pet or mnk fists! Yes that will make a ton of classes op and create a new meta going forward! but hey its better then this BS We have right now? Then with the new meta we can adjust mobs HP / RES and what ever else but the current META is awful!

  6. Boosi Lorekeeper

    30% nerf to complete heal
  7. Kiaro Augur

    TBH The past few TLPs I've seen less and less CH chains going out, CH is really only amazing in group situations, as it allows me to nuke/melee on my cleric due to its efficiency, so I don't have to sit and med.
    A change of making the big % heals/CH only work on players would go a long way at addressing any problems people have with enchanters. But I mean, literally just make friends with enchanters, so you have the pet on your side!