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During Exp Bonuses....

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zinkeh, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. Zinkeh Augur

    Would it be possible to also to automatically reduce the pick popping requirements? I ask because I figured with the nice long exp bonus going on I'd pick up my old alt and level him. Checked 3 picks of Unrest, and all 3 picks were completely clear with a PL group sitting in the basement. Ran out to Lguk. From what I could see around the Bedroom/Assassin area was completely clear but could see massive trains zooming below me from the bridge. I assumed the 2 groups of /anon people were clearing the entire zone.

    I suppose if there were more picks one could actually group somewhere but there'd also be more jerks taking over entire zones to PL people but hey...one can dream about actually grouping up an Alt on a TLP server eh?
    Duder likes this.
  2. Brontus EQ Player Activist

    I agree 100%.

    When experience bonuses happen, the professional boosters crawl out of the woodwork and sell their power leveling services. During this time, the power levelers monopolize all of the spawns in every pick by pulling the entire zone. This has the effect of making going to low to mid level dungeon for the average player pointless.

    Experience bonuses should be for everyone to take advantage of, not just the professionals who boost for a living and their customers who benefit.

    Cutting the pick popping requirements in half for experience bonus events would go a long way in alleviating this problem for players.
    Duder likes this.
  3. Lineater Augur

    That makes no sense. You're speaking as if the number of people playing doesn't affect pick populations. If more people come to Guk because of a bonus, there will be more picks of Guk.

    If anything it should be the other way around. Sounds like you just want lower pick thresholds. Or the problem is 1 or 2 groups dominating an entire zone.

    I do sympathize with your frustration. I assume you are on yelinak where zone options are limited and travel is still a pain. PL groups shouldn't be monopolizing popular zones at this stage.
  4. lcarns2 New Member

    I think this is what they're asking for. I totally understand where they're coming from. On Mischief, people PLing their toons can take an entire zone. Unrest is definitely a 1 PL group zone.

    Places like Paw can really only sustain 2 groups. "3-way" and "Beach". But the pick doesn't spawn until more than that come in, so you inevitably get the frustrated players who just wander through killing whatever they can get their hands on.

    I've had it happen multiple times. I know why they do it, so I don't blame them. I just wish the situation didn't exist where they felt they had to do that at all.
    Duder likes this.
  5. uberkingkong Augur

    You have Kunark and Velious open. Why do you have to goto Unrest?
    Other options and better loot is available to you. What level are you.
    If your in unrest because your 20-30 Stoneburnt Mountains is better, if your a druid even better.
    https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/spell.html?spell=245 charm up to 23, plenty of animals up to 23
    https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/spell.html?spell=260 charm up to 33, plenty of animals up to 33.

    Mobs here drop better stuff, look at this wimp lvl 22 mob, https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/npc.html?id=6909
    Drops this item way better than anything you find in unrest https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/item.html?item=6558

    Thats just 1 trash mob dropping good stuff, way more good stuff in this zone. Plenty of 20s 30s mobs in this zone, even in late teens too.

    You have options. Suggest looking at the other options.

    Also like this person said
    Shouldn't have issues with picks too, unless theres people doing the whole zone. If theres people doing the whole zone its probably because that TLP is in the phase where lvling alts is easy peasy. You shouldnt be in unrest more than a few hours at most. So just wait your turn for few hours level rush. Or goto a different zone like stoneburnt or sol A and xp rush there. Unrest isn't the only option if its hogged by 1 or 2 people PL rushing their alt/boxes.
  6. Duder Augur

    People play on TLP expecting a high dose of nostalgia. They want to play in zones they know, zones they like, zones they remember playing in 20+ years ago. No one ever gave a hoot about stonebrunt and no one ever will. Lowering pick thresholds in anticipation of higher playerbase/higher population driven solely by an exp bonus would be a wise decision. Unfortunately, the problem here is that it would cost them money to do that so OP, as logical as it may be, it will never happen. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but this game is beyond the point of where it cares whether customers are happy or not or whether they deliver a good service to those players or not.
    lcarns2 likes this.
  7. uberkingkong Augur

    Yeah I agree with you, people playing TLP doing same stuff they did back then.
    Thing is back then these zones were open, but it was more of the *knowledgeable people" people who do allah and research what to do, go to these zones. I REMEMBER GETTING INVITES AND GOING TO THESE ZONES LIKE STONEBURNT MTS BUT IT WAS RARE OCCURANCE AND IT WAS THE BEST, BECAUSE EXPLORATION IN EQ, NOT SAME OL STUFF AGAIN.

    Nothing wrong with not knowing, I think EQ could do better, the zone guide could be a bit better. Allahkhazam could be a bit better.

    Like it could be showing, common easy peasy drops. This this and this. Have a map on allahkhazam with a circle or highlight of this is an excellent camp spot for 15- 25 25 -40, etc.

    I goto allahkhazam right now. I'm looking for DoD drops zonewide rares. I have to dig into it a bit to figure out what the zonewide rares are, and people don't update squat too. DoD Missions.
    Possible chest loot for 60, ??. thats not helpful. https://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=3363
    Whats the zonewide rare is there such thing?

    Could be better.
    10 years ago, probably said it has potential, well 10 years later, same stuff same theory. Has potential to be better.
    Duder likes this.
  8. Joules_Bianchi A certain gnome

    The problem with this is, like the giant fort in Burning Woods, always contested, people fighting over it, training until eventually the developers "break" the camp by putting higher level mob spawns in it to kill it's appeal.

    Once everyone knows, everyone goes and it quashes the camp. Like DSH farm requires a let me see if it's open, on steroids.


    It's EverQUEST, not EverRESEARCH.


    A player who still has looseleaf notebook maps drawn pre-cartography tool.
    Duder likes this.
  9. uberkingkong Augur

    yes this why allahkhazam could be better, could just circle where I need to go and let me know if its worth going to or not. I shouldn't have to research into it, look at the comments, click on all the mobs to figure out what zonewide rares are or what mobs drop good stuff. Thats a lot of research.

    Allakhazam could do better in that department, the zone guide could be better in that department. Just like I said earlier.
    Raspers is better than most information mid-late game,
    its missing a lot of useful quests though
    Like find find fibblebrap

    Raspers doesn't show early EQ though, so knowing where to go in stoneburnt mountains is more of something, those who ventured out and what not, would know the good spots in zones like stoneburnt mountains.
    Duder likes this.
  10. Brildon Augur

    Could always use Almars Guides for that. It has leveling spots broken down by what era you are in. Also for quite a few zones he has maps explaining good camp areas for certain level ranges.


    I dont always agree with his suggestions, but its a good starting point
    Duder likes this.
  11. Duder Augur

    You're right in all your points. For TLP I found eqitems.com and then eventually learning how to use raidloot.com proper. (no, its not limited to raid loot, not at all, it is a complete and very sortable database by any era/xpac, stat, focus, etc.)