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Druid remote nukes ...the healing portion is not working when a pet is ToT

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Akirrah, Jan 30, 2019.

  1. Akirrah Journeyman

    Can a dev please comment on this and when or if it will be fixed

    It has been broken for a while and none of my posts on the subject have been acknowledged

    Just want to know if it will be fixed soon or is this just an issue I am going to have to live with for the long term

    Would be nice to get a dev to reply please

    Akirrah Auslander
  2. Kedra Leafwalker Lorekeeper

    Hi, As a 110 Druid, I can also confirm that the remote healing part of this spell is not working on pets if they are the remote heal target, works fine on players, but pets nothing.
  3. Mintalie Augur

    My druid box has stopped using those nukes because the heal portion does not work on my pet.

  4. Pirlo Augur

    *jumps in*

    the cleric spell ward of assurance and AA divine guardian doesnt land on pets either
  5. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Oh, the other day I was attempting to heal a nerco pet in my group and because the pet was in water and I was on land the heal wouldn't land.
  6. Wulfhere Augur

    Paladin remote heals and I fairly sure remote buffs (e.g. Protective line) do not work on pets either. I don't see their HP go up and I never see a worn off message for the vie buff when a pet is ToT.
  7. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    You do realize that a post on the forums is not the main way to get bugs fixed, right? To request new features, sure, but if it's an actual bug, do a /bug report in game, you'll probably get a response that way.
  8. gotwar Gotcharms

    I used to have a post on this somewhere, it'd probably be worth reposting and requesting a sticky. I vaguely remember that Roxxly may have put a post up somewhere giving info on all this, but I'm too lazy to even look.

    Typing /bug basically does nothing on Live*. There's maybe a miniscule chance it gets read, but more likely that it does not. The command doesn't provide the level of information needed to diagnose and fix a bug. That's assuming the person using /bug gives an accurate and detailed bug report in the first place, which is unlikely even in the best circumstances. It's really hard to accurately diagnose problems with a "/bug my dicho doesn't work plz fix."

    I think there may be some niche situations where /bug is useful, like diagnosing problems with player housing, but I'm not 100% sure on that.

    The best place to post new bugs will always be the "New bugs" thread for a Test patch (if it hasn't hit Live yet) or the Live patch.

    Older bugs can be posted in the "New Bugs" thread, but the developers greatly prefer using the DGC Issue tracker, which sees very frequent use. It's constantly being moderated, updated, and responded to by a joint effort of hard-working players and the developer team itself.

    The issue tracker is found here: https://dgcissuetracker.com/secure/Dashboard.jspa

    You can post bugs, search for already posted bugs, and even suggest new ideas via the issue tracker. Issues that see a number of "upvotes" are more likely to get attention, as they can potentially be seen as having a higher priority than issues with fewer "upvotes."

    An important note about the Issue Tracker: This is not technically an official Daybreak Games resource, and you should *not* use your Daybreak Games login or password. Create a new one with an entirely different password for use on the Issue Tracker.

    */bug does see some use on Beta
    Pirlo and Tatanka like this.
  9. Akirrah Journeyman

    I have already done that months ago
    Barton likes this.
  10. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Thanks, I didn't know any of that.

    I hear what you're saying about /bug. People often don't give enough to go on when looking into a problem. I've done s/w test for 30+ years. When I've done a /bug report, they have enough to go on ;)
  11. Akirrah Journeyman

    Still hoping for a dev to comment please...
  12. Whulfgar Augur

    This difference of atmospheres.. has been legit in game as far back as I can remember..

    Pretty sure it's working as intended..
  13. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    At least now, there's a message to warn you why the spell won't land (water vs. air, etc).
  14. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    It's been legit as far as doing damage, it's due to no line of sight. Damage has always needed line of sight to land. Heals, however, have always been able to land regardless of line of sight.

    The problem seems to be the pets are marked as NPCs, so nothing lands on them, including heals, if you don't have line of sight. We need them marked as players, or otherwise set so heals can land. If this is possible.
  15. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Since it's a ToT effect, does the pet need line of sight to you, or to the mob you nuked with the remote spell?
  16. Whulfgar Augur

    As a player character who boxes a shaman and a druid any time my tank is in water my heal's have never landed on the tank from the shaman or the druid if the shaman or druid are not in the water with the tank.

    If the healers are in fact in the water with the tank then yes they land.

    I have also seen it where its reversed, if the healers are in the water, an the tanks not again heal's dont land.
  17. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    I would have to test this to be sure, so I guess what you are saying happens. It should not happen, heals should land regardless.
  18. Ninelder Augur

    The only thing that can heal a tank merc in water(to expound, a tiny drop of water on the ground that's barely touching its pinky toe or completely submerged in an ocean, is a healer merc; big surprise!

    Its been this way since they were first created in SoD. Yes it was repeatedly reported alongside the million other problems with the worthless tank mercs, and as always, we were completely ignored.

    You should never be using a tank merc anyway, literally anything else in the game is a better tank. Unless you are level 50 or below.
  19. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    In today's test patch, this is being fixed (ToT heal will land on pets).
    Fanra likes this.