Druid Burns

Discussion in 'Priests' started by tinywolf1, May 9, 2014.

  1. Tarrin Augur

    Funny enough, its just like mine as well. I just have the twincast and blank spell in between the heals and dps.
  2. Iila Augur

    Qwestwic use my character once, he flipped my spell bar to your order and moved twincast. Freaked me out and made me load the only full spell bar spellset I had saved. Which was from the first days of RoF, so I spent a week or two casting the 95 Adrenaline because I didn't notice that I was casting Adrenaline Flood instead of Adrenaline Rush. Got called out for it because of a spell parse in an app thread. Oops.

    (When I save spell sets, I only save the spells that are different from my 'default' loadout, so if I change other things, the spellset swap doesn't undo them. And I rarely swap out Adrenaline in spellsets.)
  3. Brohg Augur

    The same plan can be executed with an open hotbar if you have one available, with the added benefit of on-the-fly swapping. (just some random shm spells here for illustration since I'm on this character atm)

    Same deal, one key is assigned multiple actions and a keypress will fire the top one that's ready. In this case, Hotbar 9:

    With the difference being spells can be reordered, swapped or eliminated from the order simply by drag & drop, and non-spell buttons could be incorporated. Also, no automatic chaos for any other spell caster you may play with the same keybinds, since each character's hotbar can be populated differently or not at all :p