Druid BP Focus

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Schatze, Dec 29, 2017.

  1. Schatze Journeyman

  2. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    I won't miss it. With the longer SCR AAs, you can keep them up all the time without the BP focus.

    On top of which, the BP focus extended the buff, but not the illusion. So, having been trained to cast the other when the first's illusion drops, the group version won't take hold because it's worse than self-only. So, the cooldown is blown, and you didn't get the buff.
  3. kizant Augur

    Druids are the low class on the totem pole? That is hilarious.
    Sancus, Kuvani and S33k3r like this.
  4. S33k3r Augur

    That comment wiped my post-xmas blues :)
    kizant likes this.
  5. Spellfire Augur

  6. Cloudia Augur

    WHAT!!? Since when? I always liked the view from up here on the tanks shoulder.
    Tatanka likes this.
  7. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    Nice, took me a minute. Very clever ;)
  8. Kuvani Journeyman

    Yes druids are the low class on the totem pole Kaz, duh.

    More seriously..

    Don't be dramatic. Druids are far from being obsolete in quite literally every aspect (of the raiding game and most aspects of the group game). If you believe otherwise, then you aren't playing your Druid properly. Plain and simple. If you're going to take issue with comments in a particular thread, at least give explanation as to why exactly you have taken issue with any of the comments.

    First, to comment on the AA change. In case you forgot and need to be reminded straight from the patch notes: "The majority of activated AA abilities that buff your group can no longer be cast on your target's group using /TGB, with the following exceptions: Group Perfected Levitation, Flight of Eagles, Perfected Dead Men Floating, Communion of the Cheetah, and Talisman of Celerity I. This change does not impact which abilities can be modified by Mass Group Buff." It was not just "Group Spirit of the Black/White wolf can no longer be cast on your target's group." Although admittedly that particular change does suck in general, and I wish it hadn't happened, it wasn't just this huge slap in the face to Druids. Besides, Druids still get self wolf, so the AA change makes no difference to us personally. Therefore, this change makes zero difference in the group game, so I am going to just assume that you're talking about the raiding game. If you're in a necro group or tank group during raids, this change makes no difference. If you're in some other random raid group that isn't a caster group or tank group, you definitely have no room to complain. Finally, if you do happen to be talking about the only group it actually affects (your wizard/mage caster group), this change does suck for those casters, but this was not the only change to AAs that affected them and certainly does not make Druids obsolete. In my primary raiding guild, I am almost always the Druid in the wizard/mage group. I have raided a number of times in the necro group and tank group as well. Basically, the only recent change concerning Druids that affected anyone in raids negatively, is the change regarding AAs being cast on other groups. This is only because wizards and mages can no longer receive Group Spirit of the Black wolf 100% of the time, and quite frankly, that's just too bad. This may suck for them, but this in no way makes us obsolete. We still provide casters ample amounts of aDPS, and even with the few minute loss of wolf, mages and wizards are not exactly hurting on the DPS parses. So moving on.

    Your primary concern seems to be about the BP focus change. This was after the AA changes and a completely separate issue from it. I cannot seem to comprehend why you're so opposed to the change. As a Druid, you still receive 100% uptime with SCR AA, which is what is most important. In regards to the wizards and mages, the BP change is not what has really affected their aDPS, at least concerning wolf. Truthfully, it doesn't have to affect their aDPS at all, and even if it does, it is just a few tics of wolf they are no longer receiving. If it really bothers you or your casters enough and you want to please your mages or wizards and get those super duper important extra tics for them (*cough*Sancus*cough*), you can swap in your old BP, click group wolf, and then swap back immediately after. It's quite simple. That being said, given the fact you have an issue with the BP being changed and think it's this game breaking issue for Druids without any explanation, you don't exactly strike me as someone who cares enough to do that or even thought to do that. I was a huge proponent of a BP focus change (it maybe was not my first choice of focus, but it's still better than what it was), and I still stand by that decision. I have no real problem swapping out my BP when I am clicking group wolf for my very high maintenance caster group. I'll admit that's a little more tedious especially for a few tics, but it's very doable. Regardless if you do this or not, these changes have not made us obsolete in any way.

    The most important thing to come from everything I've said, once again, as a Druid, even with these changes, you still receive wolf 100% of the time.

    I would love to see many changes for the Druid class and am always more than happy to discuss this topic or give any suggestions I can. I will also be very upset if certain abilities are taken away from our class or we get "nerfed" in any way as I put in a lot of time and effort into playing my Druid at a very high skill level, but this change in the BP focus was certainly not a "nerf" or even just a change I am upset with.

    I try to stay out of these threads and do my own thing. I honestly barely even read these forums. I was asked by multiple people in my two guilds and even other guilds to comment on the BP thread with my suggestions. A friend pointed out this particular thread to me the other day, and I was baffled to see that another Druid had taken issue with anything I (or a friend) had said in that thread, especially without any explanations.

    Please feel free to try and argue with me on any of these points since you clearly have taken issue with my suggestions on the thread you mentioned. I would also love to hear how exactly Druids are becoming obsolete.
    Sancus, Slippry, Perplexed and 6 others like this.
  9. Karhar Dream Crusher

    i miss you :D
    Kuvani likes this.
  10. Sancus Augur

    Misspelling "Kiz" triggered me too much to read the rest of your post.
    Kuvani likes this.
  11. kizant Augur

    It's not even a hard name to spell. :( I think I have seen a Kaz around here tough so maybe I'm just being confused with someone else. Someone who's probably pretty awesome now that I think about it.
    Sancus likes this.
  12. Kuvani Journeyman

    Shush Sancus.. He is and always will be Kaz to me :)

    Don't worry my friend... I mentioned you too! Although, I know you well enough to know you're lying and that you definitely read my entire post!

    Also, I refuse to like your previous post Kaz!
    Tatanka and Sancus like this.
  13. kizant Augur

    Yeah well I'm not going to like your post either! :cool:
    Tatanka and Kuvani like this.
  14. Darkside New Member

    The druid bp focus is terrible. Please can we get it changed to something like necro's have, 9% damage to our wrath dot and cyclonic roar.
  15. S33k3r Augur

    I don't mind the focus but I wish it was a little more significant like 3-5 seconds.

    The clicky effect is ok but it's annoying that our DoTs use up so many charges and get a lot less benefit. For example NBW gets ~7.5k extra damage (post crit) a tick but uses 5 or 6 counters.

    It looks like DoTs get 30k/(DoT original Duration) per tick but each tick uses a charge (based on T1 BP). :(