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DPG, we are in this together.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Thewiz, Mar 18, 2020.

  1. Thewiz Augur

    As the coronavirus pandemic deepens we are all being effected by it. Many of us have had reduced hours at work, or worse have lost our jobs. We are quarantined or curfewed. Much of our entertainment and socialization is has been removed until the crisis is over.

    Please consider releasing the new TLPs as soon as you can. The new TLP's really are a beacon of hope in a bleak situation. Please do not wait until May/June.

    We are counting on you.
  2. Fizon Augur

    Is it possible to roll your eyes so hard you strain something?.. cause ow
  3. Zhulaol New Member

    Do you realize that they are trying to program things for the server. They cannot just drop everything so you can have a brand new TLP server.
  4. Sikkun Augur

    “We know all these things effect you as a company and individuals but please work double because I am selfish and want something right now.”
  5. Fixit Journeyman

    The last thing we need with all this other anxiety is for them to rush something. TF you smoking?
  6. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Honestly, they should be able to roll out a new TLP in no time by now. Just copy a previous TLP ruleset. Make it a mad dash kind of server, with a deadline before the server comes down, once the crisis is over. Make it so there is some sort of recognition for getting the furthest before the ball drops. Hell, this would be a great time for a pvp TLP, with a short life. Wouldn't THAT make for some interesting raid streams.
  7. Fixit Journeyman

  8. vylo Augur

    Sorry, they are too busy building the next feature for them to revoke a week later for no reason.
  9. Aiona Augur

    I too, am bored right now. But at least I have Mangler, Agnarr and FV to play on in the meantime. There are plenty of other servers to play on as well that would love to have more players join (even if only until the new TLPs launch!).
  10. Xeris Augur

    You know what's a good idea... For people who have reduced hours and lost their jobs to spend precious money on 40 slot bags, xp potions , and more.

    Maybe a new TLP would actually be irresponsible!
    Moege likes this.
  11. Iove Elder

    DPG is busy with Live servers problem, I think, like Overseer and new raids.
    Anyway if them consider open new TLP servers now it will be big win for them and for players, and any commercial organization who want money will do it asap, but DPG seems prefer waste money on other things :)
  12. Botlhan New Member

    Do people even read what they write

    The rest of the world is not working or at home looking after loved ones but its ok DGB Darkpaw what ever your called now a days you crack on and make us a new TLP

    my vote is you look after your self's and if u need to shut the game down for 2 weeks you do that also
  13. Mink Journeyman
