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done with mischief

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vishious, Jul 11, 2021.

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  1. Vishious New Member

    have been ksed for 7 days now after camping lord bergs crown for over 8 hours a day and people just come up ks it and oh like u can have for 12kr forget ur kr sorry to vent im just done
  2. Tucoh Augur

    I'm guessing Berg's crown is one of the few drops that isn't randomly distributed? I was wondering if that would funnel the market toward those camps and make them extremely competitive.
  3. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Mischief / Thornblade are going to have issues like this, certain pain points that you will need to engage with the economy to resolve, if some epic drops are on the random table maybe all of them should be but so many items being tradable is going to have knock on effects.
    Maybe don't give up, 7 days straight of competition is nothing unusual for an epic mob, but perhaps you are better off farming gear elsewhere to sell and buy your epic drop.
    These servers are very economy-heavy and require much higher economy engagement for players to get what they want out of the game.
    Bardy McFly likes this.
  4. Vishious New Member

    thats correct its not considered a rare so its the only spawn and its camped by bots, as for the suggestion i just like to play with friends and what not and help out when i can i do not have more than one account and i dont have the weeks to start a char able to self farm things or run a bot farm, am on dialysis msot of the week and tired but i still want to play with my friends but sometimes want to get things i would like as well but i am most greatful for the suggestions
  5. Atomos Augur

    I'd like to clarify that this is an issue on every TLP, and P99. I had assumed that since Mischief was based around random loot that these static loot spawns for epics would be hit pretty hard by farmers, but it actually hasn't been so worse as I thought it'd be.

    The few times we've had issues like this - none of which have been Cleric epic related, our guild members just show up without even asking to help out.
    HoodenShuklak likes this.
  6. Cicelee Augur

    I like to use periods. Sorry you had issues on a TLP.
    Stymie and Tatanka like this.
  7. Ravanta Suffer Augur

    The good news is, this is Mischief.

    So can I have your stuff?
  8. Deux Corpse Connoisseur

    Playername checks out
  9. Waring_McMarrin Augur

    Just think of how bad things like this would get if it was a free trade without random loot. So many camps that you know exactly what can drop and later sell for a good profit. Might not be as bad if the item is normally tradeable but for items that are not the incentive goes up to just KS mobs and sell for a profit.
  10. Niskin Clockwork Arguer

    Some advice here.

    Once could be a coincidence. Twice is establishing a pattern. Three times is confirming the pattern. Four times... you get the point.

    Whatever you have that is pushing you to pursue this crown (assuming epic quest), let it go for a bit, or accept the reality that this is how it works now. No reason to quit a server over it. I'm guessing if you got ks'd this much that you don't have the DPS to win the race, so just accept that and move on for a while, or accept that you may win eventually but will likely lose a lot before then.

    Don't burn yourself out when it's easy to see that is the path you are on. Does this suck? Yes. But that's how things are now. There is so much more to this game than epics or getting that one specific item. Find a distraction or a new goal, and come back around when things cool off a bit.
  11. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    Or of course you could just bring friends along, assuming you have some.
  12. bardybard Augur

    No different than any other server really. Bergugle is highly contested in Classic->Kunark time.
    Except on Mischief you now have an option of doing something else and then buying the epic drops, if you choose not to purpose that ... then why even plan on the special rules server?

    Also, no such thing as KS. If players want to cooperate and form lines that is great, but there is no such thing as "kill stealing"
  13. Bobbybick Only Banned Twice

    Most of the epic was made non-mqable to de-incentivize people from monopolizing the camps to sell, unfortunately the Crown is tradeable on an FV ruleset and Berg is very easy to secure with an instant planar DD wand on a wiz/mage.
  14. Pikallo Augur

    I understand the frustration. I came to the camp various times throughout classic and into Kunark and there was always multiple people "camping" it and it was hotly contested. Eventually became the only thing left on my cleric epic so I just joined the crowd, and used my mage(wand of swords) to get the next kill. I had to deal with multiple hate tells and sob stories, but I genuinely believe it was the only way I would have been able to get the crown in a reasonable amount of time without paying absurd krono prices. Ironically one of the people sending me hate tells and sob stories(requesting that I concede the camp) was selling the crown in auction chat the next day. Luckily for me, I had the resources to be able to get a spawn(wand) but not everyone has that luxury.

    Seems strange that with FV rules, the no drop tag is still on the Gimblox ring, but is removed from Begurgle's crown. While it wouldn't remove people selling loot rights, it wouldn't be nearly as bad if it were just no drop like the ring.
  15. Cainen Augur

    We camped 2x crowns without much issue, just had to go there LATE at night, post midnight pst no one was there at all. If you're playing during primetime, expect competition on most epic camps.

    Hell the monk fight in sky had 4x monks waiting to do in mischief yesterday....was bazaar.
    Thousandheals likes this.
  16. YourJobNotYourLife Elder

    I wish it was the bazaar. Sadly, it was only bizarre.
    Stymie likes this.
  17. Numiko Augur

    This is why I usually wait till OOW to do epics, much easier to do 1.0 then!
  18. Atomos Augur

    I think it was a mistake for quest spawns (not forced spawned) to not be included in the random loot. I assume it's because a lot of them aren't tagged as "rare creature" and only those rares are the ones with random loot, not just "named."
    HoodenShuklak and ForumBoss like this.
  19. Kylo Classic Augur

    This oversight needs to be addressed. It's creating a toxic environment.
    HoodenShuklak likes this.
  20. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    It was also a mistake to not have certain epic mobs spawn in DZs, or by triggered by a Harbinger of XX to spawn it. I don't know who at DBG hates wizards, but it shows.
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