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Don’t Panic, Nights of the Dead Returns!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Accendo, Oct 12, 2022.

  1. Accendo Guest

    Crawl out of your coffin and shake off the cobwebs, something scary is stirring.

    We warned you about the shrieks and howls last year, and now we’ve started hearing them again. That can mean only one thing . . . Nights of the Dead is back!

    Wake your weary bones and head to the Plane of Knowledge to find Zigan Ribshard, Edmund Strangeways, and Illis Taberish. All three will have hauntingly ghoulish ways for you to get involved in this year’s event. Don’t forget to also head into the Plains of Karana. Apparently, a certain witch is back at it again and wreaking havoc for the farmers. On top of that, Minda and Tukk need help once again.


    As you avoid an untimely death by gruesome and bloodcurdling creatures in Qeynos Hills, Cresent Reach, Faydark, and Toxxulia Forest, be sure to stay alive just long enough to revisit Haunted Jack and Spooky Sally in any local hometown so you can get your fill of holiday treats.

    Are you looking for a new scare? Madcap adventurers should head to the crossroads outpost in Blightfire Moors where they can speak with Tully about his seasonal needs. Anyone that can survive the landscape and get to him can help spread the seasons' influence. Who wouldn’t enjoy a lovely treat from a self-proclaimed follower of Bertoxxulous?


    Need more of a challenge? Seek out Astyn the Gray. She has been watching Tully from afar and knows he's up to no good. Gather your fellow trick and treaters to help her protect the troubled mesa from Bertoxxulous influence. Only those of great strength will be able to assist her.

    We’re creepin’ it real this year. The event just kicked off this morning and will end on November 8, 2022, at 11:00 p.m. PST. Have a spook-tacular Nights of the Dead and be sure to trick-or-treat yourself!

    Be sure to follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.

    Rondor and minimind like this.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    What expansions do you need unlocked for this?
  3. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    Why did you guys not put

    "Haunting Nightmares Shield Ornaments "

    on the marketplace on Aradune server at least... You guys had them here 1 year because people have the shield, but refuse to or over look it every single year.. i made a post last year asking for them, and now im asking again.. can we please add this set to marketplace its so much better then the current one's - why would you not want to make more money?