Dog in a Crate

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kattria Minx, Dec 10, 2015.

  1. Kattria Minx Augur

    How many total dogs are in this set?

    For the cats there were a total of 10 with three/four achievements tied to them: rare cat collector (2), kitten collector (5), crazy cat collector (all 10), and maybe cat collector (5)?

    Wondering the same for the dogs. Got a lot of pups with Frostfell designs (5 or 6?) and three regular wolves/dogs. 1 rare, I think (Shadow). Just wondering what else to look for out there for those that have some for adoption. :)
  2. Ssdar Augur

    There are 10 dogs total, 3 achievements: Hounds, Frostfell Spirit, and Packmaster. The Packmaster achievement shows all 10 available dogs. The Shadow one seems to be the only very rare one, unlike the cats in bags which had 2 rares, Midnight and Cranky Cat
  3. Kattria Minx Augur

    Thanks so much! Looks like I just need one more dog then as I already got Shadow!
  4. Zaviere Augur

    Cats > Dogs
    Silv and Klak like this.
  5. roguerunner Augur

    Dogs >
    Iila likes this.
  6. Kattria Minx Augur

    Got all the dogs! I'm now Kattria Minx the Alpha (as well as Kattria Minx, Crazy Cat Collector). :D
  7. HigherPower New Member

    I don't have them completed, but couldn't you be The Crazy Cat Collector Kattria Minx the Alpha? Then you could be the alpha dog of collecting cats :eek:
    Kattria Minx likes this.