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Does RAF Still Work?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ootax, Oct 1, 2020.

  1. Ootax Augur

    Does the original recruit a friend xp bonus still work on the recruiter/recruitee accounts for the ones that where active back in the day? And do they still have it if they went inactive(or silver I guess) then reactivated recently? I think it was something like 300% bonus if the recruitee account is below the level of the recruiter account and if both are the same level then they received a 50% bonus or something? I might be a little off on exactly how it works but it was something along those lines. And if so does it work with quests and stack with xp pots?
  2. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    No longer offered or able to activate it but old bonuses were grandfathered for those that earned them during the refer a friend promotional period.

    came across this post I made back in 2017:

    "it is cancelled. When they went f2p they cancelled it and those who had it had to keep paying to get grandfathered in.
    Piestro wrote:
    Hey folks,
    I've got some good news! JChan has put in a lot of time over the last week or so, both digging through code and working with other SOE teams to create a solution for the Recruit a Friend bonuses. RAF bonuses will be grandfathered in, but there are some fairly specific limitations in how we can do this so please read this thoroughly! We'll be reposting it, but I wanted to get this answer out to the folks in this thread as quickly as possible.
    In order to be guaranteed eligibility for Recruit a Friend benefits after Free to Play, players will need to have been actively subscribed on 2/27/2012. We will take a snapshot of the program on 2/27/2012 and this list will be used to determine eligibility for Recruit a Friend benefits.
    In order to receive Recruit a Friend benefits both the recruiter and the recruitee will need to have gold status. If either account slips from gold status, benefits will be suspended until both accounts are Gold again."
  3. Ootax Augur

    Yea that is what I was referring to. I was grandfathered in with 4 accounts and was curious if they would still work. I thought they did when I tried it like 2 years ago but wasn't sure if they still had it going on. Is there a limit as to what the xp bonus works on and does it stack w/the xp pots?
  4. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

  5. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    I'm pretty sure it is still active for those that were grandfathered in. I believe it stacked with potions/Lesson as well, can't confirm though since I don't have an RAF account.
  6. Ootax Augur

    Thx, I thought it was nerfed long ago and the bonus doesn't apply to quests, or quest reward xp and only applies to mobs you kill but I'm not sure.
  7. Wyre Wintermute I'm just a butterly dreaming I'm a man

    Just to add to it, RAF bonus is suspended on TLP's until late game, probably Rain of Fear or CoTF. I read it when it happened, but don't remember where. When Lockjaw and Ragefire went live, RAF bonus was applied, I think it was around the time that they messed with racial XP bonus/penalties that it got the axe, maybe even a little earlier.
  8. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    I think you're right there, it only worked for actual mob kills. Quest rewards are usually excluded from XP pots. There are some exceptions, the GD Mission works with Lesson's but the other 3 ToV missions don't.
  9. Derd Augur

    Most xp rewards are a set amount , but really raf on kills only isn't good enough ;) God bless the raf accounts being kept alive. Only bad part of raf is when your alt loots t 2 gear and you break down and level it to 115 so they can equip.