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Confirmed DoD 68 spell missions series bugged (Kelliad)

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Shaniza, Jul 12, 2024.

  1. Shaniza New Member

    Category: Quest [Can Repro]
    Date/Time: Fri Jul 12 15:53:08 2024

    Character: Level 105 Monk (Main)
    Zone: Stoneroot Falls
    Location: 698.84, -1847.69, 9.47, 4.21

    Target NPC: Kelliad
    Target Location: 709.00, -1847.00, 9.30, 254.00

    Description: Hi,
    The quest series in Depths of Darkhollow giving 68 spell, given by Kelliad is broken. The first two works, but the third one, called Building the Disguise only gives one step, and that is to talk to Meldrek about alternate entrance. Once this is done and you zone in, the rest of the task steps are gone.

    The 4th one, The Search for Ilsuras, has no steps at all. The instance is spawned, and mobs are there, and scripts are running, but you have no task steps to actually complete.

    The 5th called The Rage of Kelliad is similar to 3 except you're actually given the reward when hailing Meldrek, as if you completed the task, but you've never actually done anything.




  2. Raykliz New Member

    I really hope we get some answers to this issue. The same thing is happening to me exactly as your post states/shows.
  3. SDFan New Member

    I'm seeing the exact same thing as of 8-3-2024.
  4. Hegsheoshed Augur

    No log files?
  5. Kezi New Member

    Ditto, 11th August 2024.
    Building the disguise does not give the task steps at all and cannot be completed.
  6. Rattenfanger New Member

    This is the 3rd shared task in the level 68 spell questline.I obtain the shared task from Kelliad in Stoneroot Falls. He gives the task and says to seek Meldrek. The shared task has a single line:
    -- Seek out Meldrek and speak to him about an alternative entrance into Xill.
    Once you enter the instance, this task shows as "Done" but there are no other tasks to do. Doing the tasks mentioned on Alla (kill witherans, destroy guards, etc.) does not give you any kind of update. I've tried dropping the task from everybody and grabbing it again, and get the same behavior. There doesn't seem to be a way to complete this shared task, or the questline.
    Szilent, Beimeith, kizant and 7 others like this.
  7. Nniki Augur

    Also noticed task steps missing when doing the DoDH shared task "The Search for Ilsuras" offered by Kelliad in Stoneroot Falls.
    Rexa likes this.
  8. dentalplan lisa needs braces

    We need a priority fix to this issue. Oakwynd is about to release DoDH and level 68 spells are currently unobtainable due to task steps for Building the Disguise and the Search for Illsuras being missing.