Do you know how big EverQuest is?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Brewall Rainsinger, Apr 18, 2018.

  1. IblisTheMage Augur

    Awesome thread.
    Beggly likes this.
  2. Brewall Rainsinger Apprentice

    To determine size, I looked at the max/min on both X & Y coordinates, and then taking the difference (and being careful with the +/- signs). For Overthere, X difference is 34391 and Y difference is 16299 = 560538909 ft^2 or 20.1 miles^2.

    Widest zones:
    #1 The Iceclad Ocean - 34391 ft
    #2 Ocean of Tears - 6748 ft
    #3 The Dreadlands - 16504 ft
    #4 Western Plains of Karana - 16170 ft
    #5 Timorous Deep - 13841 ft

    Tallest zones:
    #1 Timorous Deep - 23124 ft
    #2 The Iceclad Ocean - 16299 ft
    #3 The Overthere - 15732 ft
    #4 Firiona Vie - 14045 ft
    #5 Scorched Woods - 12896 ft

    Only reason I had this information handy was because I use it in a program that places the legend at the bottom of the maps (center, bottom).
    Gialana and Tarvas like this.