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Divine call

Discussion in 'Tanks' started by Livvy_CT, Dec 28, 2018.

  1. Livvy_CT Elder

    Any other Paladin having issues with this AA, I use it and doesn’t pull the mob to me, I have all ranks of this AA.

    I watch SK’s use their hates attraction no problem, any input?
  2. Wulfhere Augur

    It be short range

    1: Gradual Pull to 45' away (Force=250) up to level + 3
  3. Livvy_CT Elder

  4. Took2summmit Elder

    I'm also fairly certain the SK one works through root while paladins dont. Is there a reason for this?
  5. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Paladin one simply does not work on a ton of mobs it is supposed to. SK one is a little different so not sure the overlap on what it actually works on, but I know the warrior one seems to work way better.

    Haven't found a single mob it works on that I needed to use it on since they changed how those spells worked.
  6. Livvy_CT Elder

    Not sure why they wouldn’t use the same code as hates attraction, going through root would be awesome
  7. Qbert Gallifreyan

    It works through root, but you have to be close enough for it to work. You can activate it from a distance, but the mob will stare at you and laugh if you aren't close enough.

    Example: I pull too many so I spiritual rebuke a bunch of mobs with my shaman. After the first one is dead, I divine call one out of the pack, and get close enough and that mob will start working its way out of the pack without breaking root.
    Wulfhere likes this.
  8. Wulfhere Augur

    Divine Call works just fine. Just get within 45' range, root or no root. Ya want it to work at long range? well that be a different complaint.
  9. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Have you bothered trying it on any mobs that matter? Its supposed to work on mobs up to 3 levels higher that aren't flagged as rares. I haven't seen it work on raid trash that is 1 level higher in TBL, for example. And not seen it work on other raids either since they changed it.
  10. Riou EQResource

    Isn't it not supposed to work on things flagged as Raid Con like the other pull abilities (SK HA, monk MM, etc)?
  11. josh Augur

    Yeah was a recent change, they made it work on stuff 3 levels higher but it wont work on named or raid bosses, there are raid mobs that it works on, for instance, that cactus that spawns at the start of the cactiikii raid.

    EDIT: another interesting thing about how it works, it will work on renegades in that raid before they perma root themselves, but if you cast it before they root themselves it will work even while they are perma rooted.
  12. Livvy_CT Elder

    I’ve watched SKs pull the skeletons to them on the reparm raid.
  13. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    No, it works on raid mobs. Just not "Rare" ones supposedly, but it flat out doesn't work on most mobs it should work on (that I've bothered using it on, i.e., ones that have needed it).

    For example, it works on the frogs in plane of fire raid, for one that it does work on.

    But won't work on the jopals in stratos raid.
  14. Koryu Professional Roadkill

    There's a specific toggle for mob immunity to gravitate and fling effects, it's applied to specific mobs in the group and raid game, not blanket applied to all raid mobs. There's a specific immunity/resist message, maybe make an audio trigger for it so you know not to waste the ability or be surprised at its failure.
    Wulfhere likes this.
  15. Wulfhere Augur

    Aye to that. For example giants in Scorched Woods

    [Wed Jan 02 13:43:33 2019] You begin casting Divine Call III.
    [Wed Jan 02 13:43:33 2019] A forest giant carpenter is immune to gravitate spells.
    [Wed Jan 02 13:43:33 2019] a forest giant carpenter is summoned by a divine voice!
  16. yepmetoo Abazzagorath


    How hard is this to get? Can you pull a jopal on stratus? Guess who can? Warrior grasp works on a ton of things paladin call doesn't work on. Bard lure works on even more. This is on mobs not flagged immune to gravity effects.

    I wonder about people sometimes, its like paladins don't even try their stuff on everything and then are shocked when people point out something doesn't work correctly, and then claim you must be mistaken, without testing =P
  17. Wulfhere Augur

    [Sun Jan 06 18:06:17 2019] You begin casting Divine Call III.
    [Sun Jan 06 18:06:17 2019] A jopal soldier is immune to gravitate spells.
    [Sun Jan 06 18:06:17 2019] a jopal soldier is summoned by a divine voice!
  18. josh Augur

    You are wrong, they are flagged immune, there's don't work on it either. If by some chance they are working on mobs that are flagged immune, than that is a bug, which is what you should be screaming about. To be clear, in addition to the default flagged immune, raid bosses and named, any mob, anywhere can also be flagged immune if a dev decides to flag it immune.
  19. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    [Sun Jan 06 23:50:02 2019] You begin casting Hate's Attraction VIII.
    [Sun Jan 06 23:50:02 2019] A jopal soldier is immune to pull spells.
    [Sun Jan 06 23:50:02 2019] a jopal soldier is attracted to the darkness.

    Not sure what you're seeing that's different.
  20. Wulfhere Augur

    Well I think it's interesting that there are different messages for gravitate and pull, indicating (confirming) at least two different SPA covering those types of abilities. It's certainly possible some mobs are bugged vs one or the other.

    I personally haven't run into any mob that DC didn't work on that also didn't give the immune message (a silent fail). Divine Call's 45 feet is short range and it's easy to cast from outside that range or even outrun that range while the effect is active when dragging a mob with you. If yepmeetoo can provide log data as we have done, perhaps we can isolate the issue.