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Devs - Wizard question for Vaniki

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Vicus, May 22, 2022.

  1. Vicus Augur

    With how fast Vaniki expansions will be unlocking, the glory days of wizards being in the top 5 will be drastically reduced. On a normal unlocking speed TLP, I would have zero issue going wizard as I can always "hope" that a wizard buff will come that will fix things.

    Vaniki does not give me that luxury or hope. Playing catch up on this server will be harder then most. I play a wizard at a high level and while I can always make myself useful and contribute, don't think I am dedicated enough gut it out again hoping change will come.

    Can the Devs just let us know it is being looked at or that change is coming...even if it will take a year, that is fine with me but knowing something is in the works would be great. Necros aren't the only ones who deserve to be happy!:)
    Foaming likes this.
  2. Lumiens Augur

    Just go monk
  3. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    The glory days of every class will fly by in a blur, which is good for Necromancers & Shadowknights since once they get gud they stay that way.
  4. TheAgenda Augur

    And druids :rolleyes:
  5. Installing Updates Lorekeeper

    I heard that, yes, two days before the server launch, they are now soliciting suggestions for new spells to be introduced on Vaniki.