@devs Two types of Dreadmotes (RoF T2 Spells) - bug?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by AlmarsGuides, Mar 29, 2018.

  1. AlmarsGuides Augur

    So, I finally put two and two together today and realized that there are actually two sets of Dreadmotes in the game for RoF Rk. II Spells today.... Not sure why how or when this happened but it happened and Lucy can confirm it too:

    Glowing Dreadmote:

    Median Dreadmote:

    And there are duplicates for the others too. I noticed it on FV because Barters keep offering to buy Glowing Dreadmote item ID #99825 but apparently that isn't the one that drops, apparently #76554 is what drops off enemies. I was always unable to sell my Dreadmotes but it never made sense why... Now I know!

    I'm going to assume that this is unintended and is a bug/hiccup that happened at some point in the game. No other Rank 2 spell reagents are duplicated like this.
  2. AlmarsGuides Augur

    Bumping this since it's the middle of the day and even if a dev doesn't reply I would like to at least make sure someone sees it.

    This is a pretty annoying issue that's been around for at least 5 - 6 months and while it isn't game breaking.... It's surely something that should probably be fixed. You can log on FV right this instant and see all of the Barters in /bar buying Dreadmotes with the wrong Items IDs. I can only assume it's like this on all servers since these items aren't NO DROP.