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Devs - Do people use VM ware for work?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Rogue001, Nov 14, 2019.

  1. Chauliodus New Member

    Well the 7 days are almost up, i've been quiet on the forums because this happened to me too, only PM'd dreamweaver about it, never petitioned. Was not expecting a reversal like someone mentioned happened, but I still am worried and anxious about it because I haven't heard anything back except "looking into it".

    I was also only playing on Miragul with 1 char that week, while my 2nd account that was sitting on a different server to chat, same PC, same IP. Both accounts were effected.

    Will it be safe to play as normal again in a few days? Will my accounts forever be tainted with the mark of this happening instead of put back to normal? Will it be fine with the program uninstalled that I forgot that I had installed for over 3 years with no issues on EQ?

    I almost don't want to bother because the anxiety and stress of all the unknowns is well... anxiety and stress causing, and its not worth it to be on edge all the time not knowing if it will happen again or not, after 7+ years of having no issues. So will it be fine? sure im not the only one wondering who didn't get a reversal in time. Thanks.
    PotatoPower likes this.
  2. Tucoh Augur

    I'm not suspended, but I'm kind of annoyed that there isn't any word from DBG on what applications I can and can't run on my computer while playing EQ.

    Beyond the personal nuisance of having to segregate my development environment from my gaming environment, this kind of uncertainty heavily deadens the blow of ban waves because nearly everyone who is going to log back on after a week of absence will have plausible deniability for any wrong-doing by just saying they were "doing some IT work on their ubuntu VM while camping a mob" and escape any derision from the community.

    If DBG wanted to fight cheaters, the best way to do it (after making sure your detection isn't faulty) is to have a public ban/suspension wave where listed every character on the banned account along with what guilds those characters were in. Any guild that doesn't want to be known as a cheating guild will then police itself much better than any over-burdened GM staff or DBG detection script could.
    PotatoPower likes this.
  3. Derresh Augur

    Hmmm, I have a VM installed on my pc from a long time ago and I didn't get banned, maybe you guys were using something else in conjunction with a VM. ;)
  4. Jarjarboo New Member

    I wonder if it was only a certain version of VMware?
  5. zarcal Augur

    Probably too deep to be seen, but this all makes me laugh. I work in this space and 2 things come to mind.
    - It is impractical to scan you computer for installed programs.
    - It is ABSOLUTELY possible to tell if incoming traffic is from a VM. (just think about how the packets go out and come back).

    Anyone that says they were banned 'for just having it on their machine' is either mistaken (i'll be nice) Or lying
  6. PotatoPower Lorekeeper

    Or maybe the next ban wave had your name on it and you're very lucky the people you're attacking have made some noise about it despite the attacks from people like you.
  7. PotatoPower Lorekeeper

    And those people also now know that you don't know wtf you're talking about.
  8. voidtek1969 Lorekeeper

    You're implying you were able to get something changed. What is it that you got changed?

    And the attacking bit....the world isn't out to get you.
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  9. voidtek1969 Lorekeeper

    Do you know more about this than they do?
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  10. PotatoPower Lorekeeper

    Some players had their suspensions lifted (ie an admission of error). So therefore they know they f***ed up and presumably won't make the same mistakes again. Yeah you're welcome.
  11. voidtek1969 Lorekeeper

    Welcome for what? I don't use nor have VMware on any of my 6 computers that I use for EQ. What exactly am I thanking you for?

    Oh wait, I know...I'm thanking you for all the personal insults you have been slinging across 3-4 threads now, to the point where Daybreak had to come in & stop you from posting in them anymore after seeing what a vehement person you've become in the last week. Well, thanks! :)

    As far as getting suspensions lifted, the next time a ban wave comes, just send in your proof of not cheating instead of wasting everyone's time with your chaffing posting in here. Please? And thanks!
  12. Dawdle Augur

    This whole thread is BS. DB should never have let it go this far if at all. What happened is some people got cheating and then they cried like a bunch babes about it. It's like Wha wha wha.

    ^^^ Also said he had no idea what was going on. You guys should probably just call it. The tread or the attention is not even worth the two shakes it took to type this. Stop cheating and then you won't get suspended. DB should grow a pair and just ban people. True-Box is joke. No 3rd party? It's a joke...
  13. PotatoPower Lorekeeper

    Pretty much. Now any future account actions, even for genuine cheats, will have a question mark over them because a widely known precedent of false detection has now been set. Before this thing got to the forums, I assure you everybody who got stung would have done what I did, and talk directly to staff. The suspensions ought to have been immediately reversed once it became obvious a mistake was made, then run your investigation. Running an investigation as the suspensions continue, reversing them one at a time as case by case they're investigated, all the while with a complete lack of public clarification of the rules was such an unprofessional way of dealing with this you can only shake your head in bewilderment.
  14. Warpeace Augur

    They didn't do that either for Cacti gate and people were caught up in it for avoiding lockout timers remember? For whatever reason the group leader could kick people from the task and then loot the chest with no lock out. So if you didn't need the loot and were just helping you would just port out and call it a day. Later if someone needed help you would check your lockouts and see you didn't have one and go help someone else, now you were popped for avoiding lockout timers. And yes there were some that took complete advantage of it and were running it non stop 24/7 until the NPC was nuked.

    Did daybreak say oops sorry? No they didn't and doubled down on how accurate their detection was.

    So after nuking the Cacti quest / raid giver for a month and a half They finally assigned a lockout to the mission and several others. Now if you drop a task and have not looted items they are lost. All thanks to bad game design and outstanding detecting methods that are 100% accurate and trusted.

    There were also rumors of doing the Cacti group mission using the raid seed resulting in raid loot in the chest.
  15. That0neguy Augur

    Except this is a game, not a court of law or some police investigation.

    Also the precedent for false detection on things like this was set decades ago. But lets all hail our lord and savior Potato! Doing God's work!
  16. That0neguy Augur

    You are the one asking us all to thank you for stopping DBG from banning us next. Seems like a savior complex to me.

    Talking about innocent until proven guilty. Due process. Investigations and how they should be run. Seems like you are thinking this is a real world criminal investigation. Problem is this is the private world and things don't (nor do they have to) work that way.
  17. yober Elder

    My previously falsly perma-banned for VMs account had its ban lifted yesterday. I would like to thank That0neguy and voidtek1969 for all the support they've given along the way. I'm not sure I would have been able to get through this without you guys. <3
  18. PotatoPower Lorekeeper

    I'm glad to hear it. I'm sure those two trolls will be man enough to admit they were wrong and apologize.
  19. eXtraL New Member

    Not likely, trait of a narssicist
    PotatoPower likes this.
  20. phaeril Augur


    This is the response they want. They want people to be all panty twisted for a few minutes... "see, we did something!" and all the white knights come out to on anyone that got suspended for having VMWare installed that is mad. Let's have some real talk.

    • Despite the minor forum kerfluffle, there are still people using VMs to get around truebox. It's still happening, it is.
    • These were 1 week suspensions, they will all be back and won't even stop using VMs.
    • They didn't have to do anything to get these results, this is throwback code from when they screwed up VM banning people years ago with the PlanetSide hacking.
    They got the good will of idiots, the money of people that are gonna keep doing what they do, without having to actually DO anything.
    Well said.