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dev activity

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Finchy, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. AgentofChange Augur

    The day I find a reasonable person who plays EQ is the day I quit. And it is not this day.
  2. MaxTheLion Augur

    You would think so but you'd be incorrect. Branches in both the math and science field support the statement.
  3. Finchy Augur

    1. you don't have to pay to play on live servers.
    2. the TLP servers (all of the newer ones) have a LOT larger population than any live server.
    3. I bet there are more "paid" accounts on TLP than on live...but again only DBG has this data :)
    4. I know of quite a few TLP players that play on live servers, it' not just the other way around (I for instance am one of those people)

    I wouldn't be too hasty to put live revenue higher than TLP, it may be true, but may be it's not ;)
  4. Rhodz Augur

    Suggesting you would not know one if it slapped you in the face then?
  5. Rhodz Augur

    Logic dictates some correlation may not be causative but if I pour sugar in your car tank and you then begin having trouble right after the place to begin would be...????
  6. Rhodz Augur

    1. No you do not but it is rare that such a player never spends money. It is a common enough paradigm for MMOs to make money off FTP.
    2. Any single one? Perhaps AG and PH but those will do nothing but diminish over time rapidly. We all know this. Now taken together Live far outpaces TLPs in revenue given every single dime of expansion pack sales is due to Live.
    3. That is just a wildassedguess.
    4. Why would you identify players that play on both, which I and many others do, as TLP players?
    Wouldn't they be Live players that also play on TLPs given they have played Live for years?
  7. MaxTheLion Augur

    This would be direct cause and effect and a very poor choice for you to try to support your stance. I suggest you locate your nearest elementary or junior high and register at your earliest convenience. You have some catching up to do.
  8. Semah Augur

    Wait, there are elementary schools that teach statistics?
  9. Kolani Augur

    The biggest problem, and what upset a lot of live server players (other than you guys keeping getting stuff that worked for years nerfed, hi locked door illusions), was that the TLP servers launched during the launch window for TBM. It's not a good look when you ship an expansion that's only one new zone anyway, and even moreso when it's during a period where the TLP servers were requiring as much code time as they looked to be - see JChan's rogue coding of the login queue on her offtime, a piece of code that we'd always been told was not possible.

    The Broken Mirror was a mess at launch, issues were ignored for literally months, there was one new zone that was used twice with a different skin, and the rest of the zones were reskins of a PoP zone, a SoF zone and a VoA zone, none of which were very good in their initial incarnations. When you look at it from that perspective, you can see how it's easy for there to be hard feelings, especially with the rush to get Phinny out.
  10. Rhodz Augur

    Meh bad example granted, you would have to have seen me there but not seen me dump the sugar and find out the trouble was malicious. Happy now sunshine?
    On the other hand people that use the whole corollary <> causation argument almost always know they on the bad end of events.

    So you did not answer the question are you discounting a corollary as being causation without any evidence?

    BTW max .... max the lion? Really ? Man you watch too much bad anime.
  11. Treiln Augur

    TLPs got a crap ton of dev activity leading up to their release. Agnarr seems to still be getting some.

    It only makes sense that something new and exciting would get attention (new expansion). Especially when they want to work out some kinks and make sure things go over smoothly. TLPs are just recycling old content (bad argument since EoK and RoS are also exactly that lol)
    Give RoS 2 months after release and the Devs will consider it old news and focus their attention elsewhere again
  12. Machentoo Augur

  13. Rhodz Augur

    Same source as any one has for anything on this topic, best guess I reckon.
    For the first few months after a new xpac it would be surprising if the Live subs didn't far outstrip TLPs.
    Part of the reason one comes out ever year. Goes better if the first two or three months is not spent getting the xpak up to some ballpark standard for playability.