Delving into Frostcrypt, the way is blocked to you

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Xianzu_Monk_Tunare, Mar 16, 2017.

  1. Cleaver Augur

    Both people are wrong here. Jale has broken several forum rules and he could of just suspended him for it that is the proper response. However he decided to let jale get to him and is wrong for that. You don't treat customers like that. In your analogy the shift manager should have you removed from the building if you're being verbally abusive. What a shift manager should/would never do is start calling you a jerk or being rude back to you. He would not be a shift manager long if he could not handle customers better then that.
  2. Gidono

    The developers have always spoke their mind here on the forums, this isn't anything new. If you think that is going to change, I think you should probably not visit the forums. If you think Absor is bad for speaking his mind, you would have loved Elidroth lol.
  3. Kittyzerk Lorekeeper

    Dear Diary... Anyways i'm just surprised they haven't *locked* this due to it being so far off track and instead its people complaining to each other about good vs bad.
    daranged likes this.
  4. Gyurika Godofwar Augur

    As long as no one gets way out of hand I hope they don't lock it.
  5. Vdidar Augur

    I'm betting there is more than one poster in this thread that doesn't interact with society outside of on a computer often.
  6. Nennius Curmudgeon

    We who are part of the matrix do u
    We who live in the matrix do not understand your comment. Please clarify. :)
  7. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    we were able to complete the task and bonus this morning on luclin just fine. ymmv. one note: if you banked the awesome-turned-terribad charm, you'll need to pull it back out of the banker to go with your range to get the one achievement to complete, much like the ornament achievements.
  8. Minato Augur

    nobody is holding a gun to your head to stay here... but at least you got that off your chest so you can keep playing like we all do
  9. Tertoon3 Journeyman

    you are an angry person.
  10. Bobsmith Augur

    Absor called him out for being a jerk. and try your hardest to adult. I.E. you see something on the Internet you don't like and it rubs you the wrong way, read it and move on. As far as testing new quest, small development team, etc.etc. this stuff takes time. You are entitled to nothing really, does anyone actually read the EULA? Check it out sometime. Eldiroth for president, Absor for public speaking representative!!!!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  11. SonOfABiscuit Augur

    Nerf zerkers!
    Reht likes this.
  12. Kittyzerk Lorekeeper

    Yeah! Nerf zerkers! Wait...i'm a zerker...