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Defender Authentication Issues

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Sindaiann, Jan 9, 2016.

  1. Sindaiann Augur

    A current guildy of mine is trying to return to the game after a month or so away from EQ. He stepped away prior to December and when he did he thought it would be a good idea to put the Defender on the accounts he had, to add security while he wouldn't have the ability to monitor the accounts.

    Now he has not been able to log in for the past 3 or 4 days to any of the 3 accounts that have the defender on it.

    Toons - Dhahabx

    The defender doesnt seem to have additional security options like blizzard has with their authenticator that allows you to remove the defender thru additional means aside from logging into the account directly (currently he can't log into any of the accounts due to defender)

    Dhahabx has created a ticket on a ftp account about the issue, but the auto response for recovery of the accounts based on the category selected says one of the 3 forms must be filled out and replied to within 3 days, or the ticket will be closed and considered solved. The issue is the generic forms asking to be filled out do not fit the information needed for account recovery in this situation.

    The auto response was sent on the 7th of January and 3 days is tomorrow. He has had no response even though he has updated the ticket explaining the situation and the fact he just needs the defender removed from the accounts. He can provide all prudent information for all 3 accounts, like username, security questions, bill information, cc info, etc. He just needs the defender option removed and for some reason he can not log in to do so himself.

    Any help is appreciated for him.
  2. Sarkaukar Augur

    What is this Defender Authentication? NM, Daybreak Defender. Has he updated the app?

    What's New in Version 1.0.1
    Fixed issue with iOS 9.2 that prevented generating a valid code.


    https://help.daybreakgames.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/29041/kw/daybreak defender

    And to note, there is currently a long turn around on tickets.

    Can I turn the extra security of the Daybreak Defender on and off as I wish?

    Yes, you can do so by going to My Account and following the instructions to remove your Daybreak Defender from your Daybreak Games Account. Use the mobile app to add the Daybreak Defender to your account. Please note that you MUST remove the Daybreak Defender from your account before you uninstall the app or you will not be able to access your account.
  3. Sarkaukar Augur

  4. Sindaiann Augur

    You can't log into anything account related, including the website to adjust things like security info or removing the defender, because the defender code that is generated goes on the password line with your password, and it just simply is not working for him.

    Everything is up to date currently.