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Dedicated/Perma Group

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Draztic, Jan 10, 2022.

  1. Draztic Journeyman

    Hey all, I'm on mischief server and looking for a dedicated group to achieve things efficiently.
    Set times and days that work where you can log on, skip the lfg pug, inefficiencies, and sometimes toxicity that can come from it.
    Level 65sk and looking for like minded players who want to skip the frustrations that come from grouping with random people. Also willing to put a group together if there are some people interested, or join if a group has a spot available, either works. Thanks!
    Vumad likes this.
  2. Kurizo New Member

    Interested!! 59 Rogue
  3. Aggronot New Member

    I'm interested....60 enchanter
  4. Draztic Journeyman

    Great. In game name? I'll send you a tell.
  5. Draztic Journeyman

  6. Aggronot New Member

  7. Draztic Journeyman

    Update. Lvl 65. Still seeking dedicated group for activities.