Decreased Inhabited Muhbis

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rhayzer TheTrickster, Feb 7, 2019.

  1. Rhayzer TheTrickster Lorekeeper

    Has anyone else noticed that there has been a decreased number of Inhabited Muhbis in tasks and mobs in general? I was looking through the updates and do not see it listed. Perhaps the Devs can shine some light on it.
  2. Astral64 Augur

    Everything seems normal to me. You're probably just having bad luck.
  3. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Random Number Generator is all it is.
  4. NeverPayForLag Augur

    This is no random number generator - this is selective or really rough pattern generator. 100 times nothing, 5 times in a row something. With Muhbis I can nearly grant at certain places after hundreds of kills - if on a day muhbis drop then they drop regularly - if on a day at that place no mubhi drop 3-4 times a row then after that you get neither Mubhi nor Aug18 for the whole evening. I had that often enough. If you have an Aug18 drop, then I had the case you had drops and drops from Aug18. It looks like a pattern, not random.

    The "random generator" must be programmed by the gods of moodiness and intention battling for numbers...
    Statistically it is crap but perhaps I have not passed the 50.000 samples to testify it scientifically...
  5. svann Augur

    BristleBane's PRNG()
  6. Vdidar Augur

    Should just follow me around. I have terrible luck but the person behind me gets all the loot lol.