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Dear DBG: Upgrade Heroics to make them Relevant in Modern EQ

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by pm me elvish women, Sep 19, 2019.

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  1. KermittheFroglok Augur

    So if we’re going to go this route would you mind using an actual apples to apples comparison?

    1) FFXIV was developed* as a MMO JRPG for worldwide release. Whereas EQ was developed as a DD style graphical MUD with US domestic release in mind. The argument you present is like saying my wife’s cookies for the bake sale were bad because they didn’t outsell Hostess last quarter.

    2) I think what people keep pointing to on age that you might be missing is that EQ is either a ~decade or ~13 years older than FFXIV. To put that in context, does comparing Devil May Cry to an early Castlevania game really make sense?

    *3) Let’s be honest with ourselves and admit that FFXIV has had a VERY rough release/launch history. The game’s initial release bombed so bad it needed a full revamp/rerelease three years later.

    4) New players in FFXIV have had so many similar complaints about catching up (which this thread is about) that their publsher has decided to gut a good chunk of the story content to help with that, in lieu of more aggressive level boosts and players will still have a somewhat lengthy progression. So they’re not even dropping people into endgame or solving the problem much differently than our catchup progression lines (e.g. Heroes Journey or No Heroism without Fear for Heroics).


    My apologies, but I just don’t see the argument of how FFXIV could be a benchmark for, comparable to, or better than EQ.

    Let’s give our Devs credit that they’re finally giving us a modern era progression server to help address this and probably retuning/rethinking the catchup progression like they seem to every 5 or so years.
    Vumad and Duder like this.
  2. Corwyhn Lionheart Guild Leader, Lions of the Heart

    Subs with free to play option rum by Broadsword but still owned by Origins as far as I know.

    My original account from my Pre EQ days was still good last time I tried it a couple of years ago.
    Whulfgar likes this.
  3. dreamweaver Community Manager

    This thread is more or less advertising other games at this point. Thank you for the discussion everyone.
    Atank, I_Love_My_Bandwidth and Duder like this.
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