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Dear DBG: Upgrade Heroics to make them Relevant in Modern EQ

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by pm me elvish women, Sep 19, 2019.

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  1. pm me elvish women Journeyman

    10 days played... so... 240 hours? it ONLY took you 240 hours of playing?! Wow what a speed demon.

  2. Voxynn Elder

    I have ran at least 15ish people threw smoke trials half a dozen times each. And Chamber of Tear's was my second home for up to 6 months after launch. For mains in an outta my guild.

    But not that anyone truly believes "street cred" of anyone else here on Forum quest.
  3. Duder Augur

    I have no problem with heroic characters and am not griefing. What I do have a problem with is the work I've done becoming available by paying while the benefits are still greatly beneficial. Progression AAs wont help any new or returning player and any meaningful way. Itd be better to focus on streamlining the setup for heroic characters.

    That progression gives massive stats. Should we start allowing max artisan prizes to be purchased with heroics too?
  4. pm me elvish women Journeyman

    Which is it? Do the AA give Massive stats, or will the AA not help in any meaningful way?

    What a ridiculous comparison. News Flash: CoTF progression is only relevant in CoTF content. Tradeskills are forever relevant. I can't even take you seriously anymore making comparisons like that.
  5. pm me elvish women Journeyman

    If Fu World Order spent 10% of the time it spends on the forums in Mearatas, they would have cleared months ago.
  6. enclee Augur

    Max Artisan heroic would lead to a lot of sales...
  7. Duder Augur

    You have some issues with Fu I see. The stats gained from the progression AAs aren't gonna do anything for some one who doesnt know what to do with their character or class. What is the benefit of giving it to them? They are meaningful if you know how to play your character. You want pay to win, I get it. You can try and divert your tears with more passive-aggressive comments all you like. Done here.
  8. pm me elvish women Journeyman

    Hey man good luck next expansion, maybe your guild will be able to clear it. Rooting for you.
  9. yepmetoo Abazzagorath

    Try tiddly winks. Sounds more your speed.
    Whulfgar and Smokezz like this.
  10. skabe Elder

    Shrug I leveled that char by dragging it around doing hunter tasks I never claimed to PL it in the fastest possible method. Oh but for the record I been told you can get a lvl 85 to 110 in one weekend of play with a double xp bonus active and using xp potions

    You want to pay to win, not that there is any such thing as "winning" Everquest that is what makes it so appealing to many of us. Also it is a game designed around playing with others, try it some time.
    Duder likes this.
  11. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    You stated "while the benefits are still greatly beneficial"....

    Such as? I think you simply have an issue with Heroic Characters in general. You cling to this notion that somehow change is bad. That paying for a leg up is bad. While I agree that current content is probably not the place for 'buying' player power, EoK is HARDLY current content. Anything that can be solo killed in 3 seconds or less is not current. I say this with all due respect, your high horse cannot support you.
  12. dreamweaver Community Manager

    Reminder - Accusing Others of Trolling - Calling someone a troll or accusing them of trolling is a form of trolling in itself. If you feel someone is behaving in a manner not consistent with these rules, please use the "Report this post to a Moderator" function on the forums.
    Eggolas likes this.
  13. pm me elvish women Journeyman

    There is ZERO chance you're accomplishing this without a full group of 110s powerleveling you. This whole thread is about the new/returning player experience. Pay attention to the context of the discussion if you want to participate.

    A new/returning player is going to lack the social network to find a group of people to sit and powerlevel them all day.
  14. Tanise Elder

    You can. I leveled 3 of them over a weekend. 85-105 FM, 105-110 GMM. Only used 25% pots because they are the best xp to cash ratio.

    I agree that heroics need an upgrade. The price should not change. The wishlist here will never happen. May as well ask to include end of empire in that too. That I'd pay cash for. that mission and whoever created it.
  15. skabe Elder

    Level upgrade to heroics I can see where that can be justified IF developers have time/resources to do so.
    Auto grant of all that was asked for ... no.

    Raising them from 85 to 100 I can see as a reasonable increase. I can also see "unlocking" zones up to CotF that are "locked" behind progression. A reasonable amount of CotF currency/gear to give the character a comparable starting set of gear. Much more than that doesn't seem warranted or necessary.
    I'm feeling what is happening is a bit of a generational gap. What the long time players spent hours, days, weeks accomplishing when content was current ... the "new" generation of players expect to get for paying the price of admission.
    MPG trials = higher cap on saves not a huge impact on game play
    DoN progression 4/5 still required tasks, progression to be done to attain that 5th tier. Again rewards were not a great impact on game play.
    RoF on up the rewards from completion of progression and other achievement become far greater. How to balance auto grant with what needs to be done to get the rewards is going to take a lot of time and effort on behalf of the developers. I could easily see where an attitude of all or nothing could be justified based on time and resources.
    Bottom line is some boxers might pay for the "convenience" of having a good starting off point. Any Heroic purchased by them however probably will be max level in no time at all. Same can be said for anyone with an established network/guild.
    One thing I have seen occur far too often is Heroic Character is made > PLed to max lvl and max AA > join raid guild get full raid gear > all progression done > then player turns around and sells that character/account. Raising level of heroic characters and what they start with could just make that process all that much easier.
    Duder likes this.
  16. Picaresque Augur

    I suppose one could argue that it would be in the best interests of the gaming base to allow new and returning players to "catch up" without destroying the idea of earning progress. However, the devil is always in the details and that is what we are discussing. Tempering this discussion is the acknowledgement that Daybreak will likely do whatever they believe will add incremental revenues to their game, notwithstanding outrage or exhortations as to particulars.

    It would be nice to have returning players come with level 95 toons. That will be 20 under the expected increase to 115. More importantly, increase the AAs granted and unlock TDS progression because I hate the Caverns. :)
  17. Hayzeus Augur

    Okay, so I have a question. Let's pretend that the new level grant would be 95

    I have 6-9 HC's that are ranged in levels anywhere from the original 85 up to about 97. Are my 6-9 HC characters going to be tagged differently, OR if I delete and recreate an OLD HC... will they get the NEW boosts (minus the Plat, bayle marks and food/drink)?

    If so, I would now have OLD HC's that I paid $35 for that would be getting the NEW stats without having to pay the new price. Heck, even rerolling the 97 back two levels would be worth it for the progression/bag upgrades. It's only 2 levels to redo... and maybe repurchase some rank 2 spells... but seems manageable. Even the 15k can be replaced by just using loyalty points to load up on platinum bags prior to deletion (I think this may require gold status instead of silver?). I may even come out of retirement to try this out.

    Of course, anyone that spent $35 over the last 6 months to a year would be angered and frustrated if they didn't get grandfathered into the new HC's, and those that paid more for their new HC's would be frustrated if someone paid $35 a month earlier and gets the exact same thing except they paid less. And, of course, if everyone grandfathers up for free, I can see that DBG would suddenly sell 1000s of HCs at $35 right before the changes took effect.

    Hey, at least we'd have a couple of year's worth of new ranting forum posts from both sides of that particular pricing fiasco... because, as we all know... DBG *always* does a wonderful job of rolling out new changes.

    PS: This question might already have been addressed in the 4 pages of posts, but I didn't read everyone's posts. If it *was* answered, it would be awesome in the extreme if one of you zealots could point it out with as much rampant quoting and sarcasm as would befit the transgression.

    edit: I spel gud
  18. eqgamer Augur

    You'd have my vote and not just because you have a cool user name.
  19. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Yeah, I just didn't agree with any of the stuff you listed belonging in the heroics bundle.

    Augs are part of gear. Including an appropriate set with the gear shouldn't cost extra. Heroics should come with gear and augs. I don't have a problem with your model of give the group currency so people can just go buy their gear, bags and augs, which saves times for Devs, but catching gear and level up that have been ignored for like 5 expansions doesn't constitute a price increase. Its a correction of depreciated value not an increase in value.

    Older zones become unlocked allowing them to be access without progression when they become trivial. Progression or achievements shouldn't be included and you shouldn't be able to buy your way past them. That's moving Everquest towards an even more pay to win model. I absolutely whole heartedly disagree with this sales model in everquest.

    If returning players need heroes vitality to be useful in the current game, then it needs to be auto granted to all created characters heroic or not. Essence of the Dragon for example should at some point be granted to every character created, not just paid heroics. That's different than progression and should not be a selling point of heroics.

    So, yes, I absolutely read everything after the price. I just absolutely disagree that is should be part of heroics.

    And I did read the part about DBGs budget. I disagree with paying past any progression.

    Simply by the logic of your argument DBG could add DBC items that boost your level to X, or your AA to Z, or bypass entire expansion progression like the Battlefield Shortcut kits EA sells and completely ditch the concept of heroics all together. Hey lets just say for $50 you can magically have all TBL done and for $150 you can have raid gear. Time wise it's a good investment but it's bad for the game.
    Duder and Whulfgar like this.
  20. Whulfgar Augur

    So let me get this right..

    In an MMO.. new and returning players will NOT be able to make friends or see old friends who never left the game ?

    THATS .. what your entire arguement revolves around??

    Sorry but your logic does in fact not logic..

    And may god have mercy on our souls..

    Duder likes this.
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