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Dear DBG: Upgrade Heroics to make them Relevant in Modern EQ

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by pm me elvish women, Sep 19, 2019.

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  1. Laronk Augur

    Actually there's a good large non raiding guild on most servers where people just want to be able to group with others and will help you out will drag you through missions to get you gear. I know its not super helpful for your average returning player.

    But for you since you box multiple accounts its easier for you, you actually have a nice gear path. People who don't box have it rough.

    Do TBM missions for remnants buy tbm gear / do dead hills for easy experience
    Prioritize gear on your tank
    Go here and make an aug list for your tank (everyone should get augged up but your tank needs gear the most)
    at 105 or 106 I would go try to farm as many good augs as you can get, when farming augs pull everything in the area to get experience.
    Ask in general for someone to help you do fight fire and smoke, the smoke missions drop some level 105 stuff and also have a chance to drop diminished muhbis for tradeskill secret dawn stuff. You will probably get given all the 105 stuff easily.

    Continue on your journey to 110, do GMM to get the still easy loot out of there, you might have to split out one orc at a time but you get 3 very good loots at the end

    I started a new group on a new server in November and did the whole climb to 110 if you're boxing it's not that bad, it is hard though for a single player.

    If you're on FV pm me and I'll help you out otherwise find the vocal guy from your server on the forums here and ask for help people like corwhyn on his server and others will help if you ask them.
    Corwyhn Lionheart, Bigstomp and Duder like this.
  2. Tucoh Augur

    This isn't directed to anyone in particular but if youve got a high level char and are looking to do old content but you're finding it tough to find help doing progression, try spending a few weeks logging in primarily to just help other people get their stuff done.
    Corwyhn Lionheart, Duder and Laronk like this.
  3. Laronk Augur

    You mean, if I help people with no expectation that they'll do something for me in return that I'll make friends in game who might in return help me?
    Corwyhn Lionheart and Duder like this.
  4. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    It already is. The current HC offers most of Dragons of Norrath progression, granting 4/5 Sanctity of the Keepers. It's a solid move and would sell like hotcakes.

    Why are people so resistant to providing shortcut paths? "I had to do this progression, and so should you!" It's EoK. It's about to be four expansions old. It would help a lot of FTP'ers and soloers with greenface, which is needed for RoS progression. This puts these folks on a path closer to current content. It's currently a mountain not many people have the time or in game resources to allocate toward catching up. My guildmates are sick of doing TBL progression already. To ask people to go back to EoK...YET AGAIN?? Ain't nobody down with that!

    Upgrade HCs already. It's time.
  5. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    That's not even the issue. The issue is asking people to do it over...and over...and over...and over...

    It's disgustingly repetitive. Let me set the scene:

    Soandso1 tells the guild, "Hey guys! Just back after 5 years away going to basketweaving college. Anyone able to help get me caught back up?"
    Goodsamaritan1, "Oh hey! WB! Sure, I'll help."
    Soandso2 tells the guild, "Hey guys! Just back after 4 years away taking care of my sick dog whom I nursed back to health only for a meteor to drop on it and kill it. :( Anyone able to assist with progression?"
    Goodsamaritan1, "I'm already helping Soandso1. Anyone able to help Soandso2?"
    /guildchat crickets

    You get the idea. Even in healthy guilds, people get sick of running content ad nauseum. There NEEDS to be a catch-up path. NOW. Please.
    Voxynn likes this.
  6. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    That's a great thought. But this isn't even about a current toon in current gear wanting to do old content. This is about Heroic Characters. Who are the biggest purchasers of HCs? Returning players and boxers. Boxers generally try to do things on their own first. Then ask for help if they fail dozens of times. Or, they keep creating HCs until they have a full group (that was me).

    What path is left for returning players? Three people in gen chat last week, who last played like 10 years ago...They had under 1000 AA thinking they were doing okay. Imagine their surprise/dismay when they learned they now need 40k, plus progression, plus achievements, plus ....

    Good lord, this is supposed to be a social game yet no quick catch up path is offered. We rely on the 'vets' to get this done. Utterly insane.
    Duder likes this.
  7. Tucoh Augur

    Yeah there are two different challenges that the OPs proposal solves: returning to the game in a player vacuum with a low level character, no idea how to play or what to do and no friends to help you and a different challenge of having a higher level character but needing help doing a bunch of random high level quests.

    For the former, the idea I've always tossed around is a leveling server that makes it easier to group or higher heroic chars, but absent that i tell people to consider boxing

    for the latter challenge, that's just the game. Ironically EQ is the kind of game that pretty much gets easier the higher you get.
  8. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I appreciate your thoughts Tucoh. But neither scenario really addresses the void for the returning player or the boxer that is looking to quickly expand their arsenal.
  9. AcemoneyFV Augur

    THIS. I've posted here and asked multiple people, I've only gotten 1 person to reply to help with the VoA MM on FV. To get all the conquest and complete the mission, it takes a good 2 hours or so, no one ever wants to help.

    Somethings you'll never get done unless you do it in era where hundreds of people are doing it. I'm always helping people, most people just don't have the time it seems to do a mission for 2-3 hours.

    Same with some RoF achs for conquest, they require 3+ people. Boxing some of them just isn't feasible.
  10. Tucoh Augur

    I agree, im on team heroic upgrade
    Corwyhn Lionheart likes this.
  11. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    I came back during CotF. Box up to 3 characters at a time. Have most of CotF-TBL done on 6 toons now. I went back to do some VoA/RoF but it just doesn't give enough reward for the time involved imo.
    Duder likes this.
  12. Laronk Augur

    I Didnt know there was a VOA MM, If you still need to do it I can try to find a time that works for me =)
  13. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I predict a refresh HC could net DBG even more cash than lifetime subs.

    How bout it DBG? You like money, no?
  14. AcemoneyFV Augur

    It's 1 of the last grp missions for the expansion. You play as Gods and destroy everything, basically. It takes a long time to complete and to do the conquest achs., you need all 6 toons. :(
  15. Vumad Cape Wearer

    Raising the cost? Why suggest such a thing? The value of a heroic has been progressively decreasing since introduction. 5 expansions have launched since heroics. A 15 level gaps has grown to a 25 level gap and is about to reach a 30 level gap. Updating the heroics at the same price is about correcting the value. Why would maintaining the quality of a sales item cost the consumer more? They might be able to get away with it, but why... Heroics should be updated every time an expansion launches that increases the level cap.
    I_Love_My_Bandwidth likes this.
  16. pm me elvish women Journeyman

    Did you even read anything below the price? Asking why I proposed a sales bump shows you didn't bother actually reading anything after that... which disqualifies your entire reply from being taken seriously.

    Let's not be naive here... we know DBG is pinching pennies, we know they are nickel and diming us with heritage crates, cosmetics, mounts and other garbage that should just be in game content. The output an expansion with less than 10 raid fights a year, this game's live development has been in glorified DLC mode since TBM (remember that expansion with literally two zones?).This "Free to Play" game has 80% of its content locked behind MTX or a subscription, so let's not talk about what DBG "should" do because it's clear that they haven't had the players' interests at heart in a long time (if ever).

    Appealing to their greedy side is the only thing we can do as consumers to get what we want at this point.

    I'm sorry $50 is too much to ask for saving literally months of time. If that amount of money is a burden to you, maybe you should use your time in your life more effectively because that's literally half a day of flipping burgers at McDonalds.
  17. Voxynn Elder

    100% agree.

    100% agree.

    100% agree.

    Nothing is holding you to a dead population server. Can't be "because of friends" you said its a dead
    population server. So rather then make entire population's of people who like their server move.
    How about you simply buy a server transfur token an move yourself?

    what happen to friends helping friends catch up ?

    what happen to guilds helping their players ?

    nothing ? Oh ok good then we on same page. In reality its just not fast enough of a catchup
    for YOU.
    Duder likes this.
  18. skabe Elder

    Sorry took me less than 10 days played to get a free heroic up to speed and able to Tank in current expansion. I earned those levels dragging it around farming/doing what needed to be done to get full set of EoK rk II gear with a few conflagrant non vis slots. Full set of dropped/player made type 5/7/8 augs that were best available at the time (minus some that are achievement rewards). So I PLed the character in a very slow manner. No said char did not have all progression done for all Hero AA.
    So upgrading heroic for sake of the boxers is utter and complete BS or they are really lazy and willing to pay for the convenience rather than do a minimal amount of work. Upgrading for returning players or those wishing/needing to main change that is a different story.
    Duder and Voxynn like this.
  19. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    For me. For Tucoh. For Duder. For many others.

    Do you have a particular issue with Heroic Characters or are you just griefing?

    EDIT: How many times have you run EoK progression for friends/guildmates? RoS? TBL? If it's less than 20 times, please take a seat and refrain from sharing half-baked peanut gallery wisdom.
    Voxynn likes this.
  20. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    So your example to refute Heroic Characters is using a Heroic Character?

    Oookay, then. Thanks for proving my point!
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