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Dead Hills #2 - undead at last part of task..

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Karthanon, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. Karthanon Augur

    Was something changed, or just modified to be the way it should be after 2x XP?

    Went and did a DH#2 after finally hitting 100 over the 2x XP weekend (first time my wife and my primary characters have been max level since PoP..yay, us), and on the last stage we had zombie excavators, not a big deal.

    Previous to today, ALL the undead in the last stage have not been able too see through my Shared Camo/Innate Camo (which is wierd, I know, they're undead..) but I wasn't going to argue! It made it a lot easier to dig around looking for collection items after the Dynamite would drop. Today, however, I grabbed the dynamite, camoed, and started running through (like usual) to find the collection pieces (if any) when I got hit by a three trucks named "zombie excavators" and only the timely use of Fluster/Blusterbolt and Weaponshield saved me until the mercs/rest of group came up).

    So, was their inability to see thru invis previous meant to happen, or was it just stealth fixed to act like undead normally are supposed to?

    Or should I just put the crack pipe down now? /snoooorrrrt
  2. onyuyan Augur

    I'm assuming you mean the second Gribble task (DH2 would usually refer to the mission, whereas Scouting Ahead is like the 5th HA). Anyways, in my experience the undead have always seen through normal invis. They do have a very small agro range, so it's possible they just didn't agro you with normal invis. Otherwise... That's weird :p
  3. Karthanon Augur

    Yes, sorry, is the 2nd Gribble task.

    Yeah, it wasn't anything like short agro range. They would con indifferent to normal camo.

    Not a real big deal for that task - just have to kill everything if I want to look around for collection items now, and kil the 2 undead near the wall that updates the task if they see thru invis.
  4. Brohg Augur

  5. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Did you just post that a Gribble HA is too hard?
    Anglesy and Iila like this.
  6. Serriah_Test Augur

    No, he just posted how the undead at the end of the gribble HA were not seeing through invis previously, but now are.

    He mentioned the funny part of it - seeing as how he's a ranger and was derping around with invis to do a collection, and even in raid gear would have a tough time tanking 3 mobs... I can see how I would have come to your same conclusion had I not read his post at all.

    But, you're better than him...
    It seems to be a very important fact on these boards and in the game... you know... making sure everyone knows that you're better than everyone else.

    I mean, in no way does this attitude negatively impact the game in a heavy sort of way. People learn that they need to group to progress early on... and then they do, and they group up with one of you™ and then they go and play another game because they'd rather not add to the stress they already have at their job, raising kids, and wishing they had just a little more money so their form of entertainment could be something that is not an MMO.... but their job doesn't offer a pension, just like most every job now, so they have to save every nickle while living in an urban environment where everything costs money...

    What was I talking about again?
    Oh yah...
    READ the post. If you have nothing constructive to add to it, move along.
    If you don't quite understand it, move along. I'm sure there are others who do.

    Every time I get the itch to play this game again, I just visit the forums to remind me of what the player base is and then I go hiking or fishing.
  7. Karthanon Augur

    Whoa, easy there. Qest is just poking fun.

    If they see thru invis like undead should, it's not a big deal. Just wasn't sure what was going on there.

    Heh, Serriah. "...seeing as how he's a ranger and was derping around with invis". That's exactly what my wife thinks what I do, but she's a mage. :p
  8. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    I felt comfortable making the "joke" because he's apparently "one of us™" as he's a Ranger that doesn't need a rez when attacked by 3 mobs while the mercs are away picking their noses.

    Yes, it is indeed very important to me that some players are better than others. My impression was that Elder Scrolls Online was the kind of game where a group would encounter a boss who performed a surprising, cool, awesome ability to turn the tables...and the newbies steamroll the encounter anyway. That's why I play a 15 year old MMO, and not the latest and greatest.

    “We choose to play Everquest. We choose to play Everquest in this decade and not the other MMOs, not because it is easy, but because it is hard, because this game will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one which we intend to win, and the others, too." -JFK ...sorta
  9. Feradach Augur

    I'm guessing the change comes from the differences in mobs spawned when there's a level 100 in group as opposed to when you guys were 99 and lower. They scale up every five levels from 85-100, I believe. That certainly would make more sense than a dynamic change to the playing environment following a double xp weekend.
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  10. Clerical Error New Member

    "one of us™"

    Anglesy likes this.
  11. Cone head Augur

    I just did Scouting Ahead, 6 x 100 boxed, no merc and had no issue. I live in scouting ahead and do see odd issues from time to time.