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Dark Hand Wraps Help DPS

Discussion in 'Melee' started by JohnnyBbad, Nov 11, 2023.

  1. JohnnyBbad New Member

    We are in SOD... are these still worth using for the 5% mod?
  2. Cadira Augur

    I think weapon skills just increase your attack by a little bit? Maaaaaybe accuracy but assume that's capped or huge diminishing returns at high skill lvls.

    I've never heard of high lvl people using that kind of thing but not sure that gives you an accurate answer. Could always do a long parse with and without it for details.
  3. Manerz Elder

    The biggest gain is the accuracy you get from the skill bonus. I remember reading its something like 2% dps increase for those gloves, but what else are you getting any dps increase from in your glove slot?
  4. fransisco Augur

    Level con plays into accuracy behind the scene (not visible skill gain). Likewise does skill play into the hit calculation?
  5. Alnitak Augur