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Customer Support said to message Angeliana on the Forums. No reply after 20 days. DB Evasion Tactic?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by poppyspy, Mar 21, 2024.

  1. poppyspy New Member

    On 2/28/2024 there was a Guide Event on the Vox server. JUST AS I was turning in my 4 items after collecting them, a severe windstorm knocked out my power and I was disconnected (linkdead) during the turn-in. I did click trade and was conversing with the Guide.

    I contacted DayBreak to solve this issue, and they have been giving me evasion "copy and paste" response tactics all the way. They told me they have no way of substantiating a Guide Event took place... (um, logs? Guide certification? Asking your supervisor?)

    Initially they told me I needed to message Angeliana, so I did - 20 days ago. After not receiving a reply, I took it back to the DayBreak suppport. I am now getting the same awful treatment that an original 99 loyal subscriber of EverQuest does not deserve - during an anniversary / holiday event season no less.

    Please, if anyone out there is listening - all I want is the reward from the guide event on the Vox server on 2/28/2024 that I should have gotten for participating in the Guide Event! There is nobody at fault here but a windstorm. And I can't get a simple Broken Bottle Ornament on my specified character?
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  2. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Likely she missed it. She must get hundreds of messages a day and one can slip through the cracks.

    Follow up with her and I'm sure she will reply. I'm sure she tries to reply to every message (other than obvious rudeness/cursing/etc. which likely just gets someone banned). At the least, she would say she could not help you, rather than ignoring you.
  3. CatsPaws Augur

    The petition folks probably see the same thing we do if we go to the sub forum "GUIDE EVENTS" click it and scroll to VOX - click that and then go to the bottom of the list (cause that is where the most recent events are) and you will see recent events. There is not one listed for your date, there was one yesterday and last November.

    That being said it is might be possible that a guide did an event and it is not listed. Which would explain why the GM cannot find it. That and they don't interact with Guides afaik. So I try not to be too hard on them because they cannot know everything about the game that we, the players know.

    I don't have high hopes that anyone can do anything to replace the item since the items given out are from a specific group that only Guides use. They usually aren't that dramatic anyway. I must have over 30 "swords of whatever" and hundreds of potions, bags and at least 20 of each weapon ornaments.

    But I wish you luck, just didn't want you getting all frustrated over something GM's can't fix.
  4. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I did not see a private message from you, I apologize.
    PathToEternity, Toukan and Nennius like this.
  5. CatsPaws Augur

    Or better yet - hit them up at the guide event on Vox tonight. Chances are it will be the same guide.

    There is a discord channel for guides - you could try thru that too
    Angeliana likes this.
  6. Ankarv Harbinger of Nightmares

    Guides file reports on the events and they should be able to go check it or request info from the elder guides. They are just too lazy to.
  7. Rheloshan Senior Guide

    Hey there! I'm Rheloshan, Vox's assigned Senior Guide. I was playing Folsen, to whom you did the turn-in on the 28th.

    I'd be happy to meet you online and restore your missing rewards. We don't even have to set a time; if you give me your character name, I will just start periodically checking until I find you online.

    In the future, if you need assistance from a member of the Guide Program, you can also use the /guidehelp in-game command. It functions like the bug report - "/guidehelp [text describing what you need help with]".

    Happy Anniversary! I look forward to meeting you in game.

    Best Regards,
    Senior Guide Rheloshan
    Madeni, Angeliana, Aanuvane and 4 others like this.
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    From what I remember of being a guide your best bet is.

    In game try /guide and type your problem, or post on the server thread on the guide forum for your server found here https://forums.daybreakgames.com/guide/index.php?threads/vox-guide-events.5334542/page-2

    If it was a guide or an apprentice guide it will likely need to be escalated to a senior or elder guide.
  9. CatsPaws Augur

    I was going to suggest posting there but when I looked up the Vox events I posted for him, I could not figure out how as only guides can log in there. So I suggested the discord or in game instead.
  10. Elder Guide Rynara Elder Guide

    I sent you a private message so we can sort this out.
    mercury890, code-zero, Yinla and 5 others like this.
  11. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Seems like a great resolution to a problem that was no fault of Darkpaw's.

    Thank you, Angelianna, Rynara, Rehloshan, and EverQuest Guide Program for all your work!
    Angeliana likes this.
  12. Iven Suggestions Bard

    Why do you make Daybreak and Angeliana responsible for your elemental power problem ? You just had bad faction with Agnarr the Storm Lord, and your turn-in had not happened.
    Nennius likes this.
  13. poppyspy New Member

    DayBreak is responsible for this game?

    Angeliana is not - but DayBreak tossed me directly to her. So I went to her.

    I did not mean it the way it came across, and as "Iven" skewed the conversation topic. Angeliana, I wasn't referring to you - I know you are busy and I did not expect a prompt response... (I also said it had been 20 days after Support told me to message you, so I felt they just wanted to get me off their backs). The main issue here is this: the "copy and paste" support responses are so obviously "evasive." DayBreak is also responsible for the "Support Team," and the multiple employees claiming to be the same GM is sad. However, this time I was told to contact Angeliana - so I did! See the bold print in summary people? Way to go off topic big time...

    To all you people who replied thinking you know something about anything and obviously turn tables on the real issue because you are under the influence of the EQ forums or other addictive devices; I suggest you go to an inpatient rehabilitation center.

    Thanks for having a co-worker address my issue, Angeliana - and for all your hard work.
    Angeliana and Yinla like this.
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Good to hear you got it sorted, the guides are awesome :)
    Angeliana and poppyspy like this.
  15. Iven Suggestions Bard

    As a note: We, including the forums, are already in the inpatient rehabilitation center.
    /wave poppyspy

    Now that you received your lollipop, be happy ! :)
    Flatchy likes this.
  16. poppyspy New Member

    We, (meaning I) run a 300 bed rehabilitation center. More than just lollipops, so look forward to it when you get there :)
    Nennius likes this.
  17. Iven Suggestions Bard

    As mentioned, we are already there. Thx for confirming that you are with us.
  18. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    I'm so glad the guides were able to work with you and make sure you got your reward! Again, I apologize for not replying to your Private Message, it was hidden amongst a bunch of spam messages. :(
  19. poppyspy New Member

    Well the Guide did message me about 10 days ago, but I'm not on the forums much so I just got back to her a couple days ago. She probably hasn't had a chance yet, but I'm sure she'll make it work! :)
    Nennius and Angeliana like this.
  20. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    That's good! I'm glad it's working out though!