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Curious how to report someone that can change their name

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by oldkracow, Apr 4, 2019.

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  1. oldkracow 9999 Is the Krono Account Limit

    I'm curious with the new hack being advertised around the web that allows characters to change their names (in addition to other goodies), how does one exactly report that player? :rolleyes:

    Since they are using everquest in their domain perhaps this is now endorsed by DBG as a regular program we all can use?
  2. The Hated One Augur

    yeah...i see this being locked and erased. I always wondered what the hack stuff looked like. Im not going to ask wth that is but dang look at all that. No wonder cheaters can easily to the things they do. Its almost like the control board you would think a GM would use.

    anyways in before the lock! eheh
  3. raylone New Member

    posting a opinion on a hack that may or may not work/exist, on a site i never heard of or want try find, worrying about it's effect when you cannot even prove it happening since they can control everything then wondering what devs are doing to stop it ....

    yea good post, i'll keep my eye out in game to let you know about random X causing terror with no way to stop it.
  4. Protagonist Tank

    Pretending for a moment this isn't a scam - name changes would be a database change. If the database were open to insertions like that, there would be far bigger problems than how to petition someone.
  5. Truthfire Lorekeeper

    Name/title change is local client only. Mostly for spoofing screenshots/videos.

    This is 100% real, trivially easy to find, and cheaper to purchase than a few Krono. It’s widely used by Amtrak senior leadership.
  6. Truthfire Lorekeeper

    Oh, and it’s undetectable unless you’re caught warping red-handed. If you think DBG has the resources to implement something like Blizzard’s Warden, I have bad news for you.
  7. Ceffener Augur

    Doesn’t take too much effort to make a website that claims to do anything. Actually doing something is much harder.
  8. Roxxlyy Augur

    Hacks used to circumvent gameplay systems or exploit will never be endorsed by Daybreak Games for use. Using them will likely lead to an account ban, and downloading things off the internet from unfamiliar websites also comes with its own un-EQ related dangers.

    If you are concerned someone is cheating or hacking, please report them to the CS team at help.daybreakgames.com. It is best not to spread information about specific hacks/cheats (legitimate or not) as this will only draw more unwanted attention to them.
    Captain Video likes this.
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