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Fixed Internally CT - 10-31 - Chat Channels - An unknown error has occurred

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Scila, Oct 31, 2020.

  1. Scila Augur

    Today seem to be getting the above then no channels; however, some chat will show up as #general. Rejoining works sometimes and other times they autorejoin. What's up?
    Fanra, Drexyll, Nennius and 16 others like this.
  2. minimind The Village Idiot

    Experiencing errors myself as well. "An unknown error has occurred." Whenever I try to chat in a channel. Another player can see what I type, but I see nothing in channel. The error shows up for the other player when I send them a /tell as well.

    Weirdest chat thing I've seen yet.
  3. Clexie New Member

    No friends list either
    Xeladom and minimind like this.
  4. minimind The Village Idiot

  5. Duder Augur

    Also occurring on and off all day on Bristlebane.
    minimind likes this.
  6. Lubianx Augur

    It's got to a stage where I can't autjoin the channels.

    I can join manually but I can't see anything showing up. I also can't see who is in the channels.

    This is on Luclin btw.
    minimind likes this.
  7. Drexyll Lorekeeper

    I thought I did something to cause this mess. Getting the exact same thing. Petitioned and they replied with this bs:

    Greetings Adventurer,

    It appears you may be suffering from a client-sided UI issue. Please use the following directions to attempt and resolve any issues you are having (including corrupt directory files):

    Always quick to blame the player instead of admitting they have screwed up something else.
    minimind likes this.
  8. Scila Augur

    I would have politely replied that it appears I'm not the only one with the problem according to chat and forums.
  9. Tegila Augur

    having same issue on all 4 computers on bertox. i can speak in general1 but i dont think anyone sees to answer, cant joing general on anything and i get the unknown error or stuck on autojoining . have relogged, zoned, etc. this is NOT a client side issue
    minimind likes this.
  10. Sumteengex Journeyman

    happening on FV & Test as well
    minimind likes this.
  11. Rondor Augur

    The same is happening on the Povar server today. Just "Autojoining channels..." then nothing; no access to any chat channels or friends or ignore lists.
    minimind likes this.
  12. Valalorn New Member

    And now on FV, mercs stopped functioning also
  13. Rondor Augur

    I checked that that Agnarr server's uchat system is also misbehaving the same way right now.

    In contrast the Xegony server's uchat system seems to be working normally right now.

    uchat is also broken on Mangler and Selo.
    minimind likes this.
  14. CatsPaws Augur

    11/1 -Tunare - no chats on log in. Then message says its auto joining but nothing is happening. All mail on all accounts is gone. Relogging does not help anything.

    R/click in chat window - channel - chat channel - general is greyed out. No sub channels at all.

    Liking first post to get dev's attention
    Wisperin and minimind like this.
  15. Drakang Augur

    Soon as you log out you loose them. I have them on one toon I never logged out.
  16. Slackjaw New Member

    Three days on Mangler and no chat channels working, how is this not being addressed?
    minimind likes this.
  17. Fanra https://everquest.fanra.info

    Chat Channels Down - Link to my post in The Veterans' Lounge. I don't like to double post but here is all it says:
    They come and go, mostly go.
  18. Tegila Augur

    i hadnt logged out in days until the channels were down for hours and i was trying to fix them