Crash the server for a minute?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Dagum, Jun 30, 2019.

  1. Dagum Elder

  2. Protagonist Tank

    Fun story.

    In classic EQ, sometime shortly before Kunark launched - some friends and I were in Oasis dinking around. It was decided that I (an Enchanter) should duel one particular friend (a Mage). He summoned a pet, we both buffed up, and I developed the plan to charm him and send him at his pet before the pet could attack me.

    Pets in that time would preference a mob that hit them over the /pet attack command, so I figured if I could sic him on his pet first, I wouldn't have to deal with him at all - the pet would do all the heavy lifting for me.

    The duel begins, charm lands without issue, I /pet attack him at his own pet, and get the "You have been disconnected" screen.

    A few minutes later, finally able to log back in, I learn everyone in the zone was booted too. It wasn't uncommon in that time, so we didn't really think anything of it. Once we were all settled back in, we prepared to resume our duel.

    The duel begins again, charm lands again, target inbound pet and /pet attack.... "You have been disconnected"

    At this point, a suspicion forms. Once everyone is back in, we discuss it and decide to give it one more trial run to confirm. Charm, /pet attack, "You have been disconnected"

    We learned that charming a pet owner then sending him on his own pet caused the zone this was happening in to hard crash for everyone in that zone, every time.

    Being reasonably consciencious, we petitioned. After a short while, a GM showed up and asked us how we did it. I described the mechanics, but he said he had never heard of such a thing and asked us to reproduce it.

    Rather than crashing Oasis (an extremely busy zone) for the 4th time, we suggested he teleport us to Qeynos Catacombs. He did, we dueled, "You have been disconnected"

    Once we and the GM got back in game, he brought in another GM (I'm guessing a more senior one? It wasn't explained at the time) and asked us to reproduce it again. We did, with the same results.

    The GMs thanked us, then disappeared - slightly annoyingly, leaving us in Qeynos Catacombs.

    A few hours later all the servers went down for an emergency patch.

    Partially, we lamented the fact we could have made a giant pile of cash "resetting" SolB for folks wanting to raid Nag (at that time, he spawned on zone up, there was no delay), but mostly patted ourselves on the back for not giving in to greed to the detriment of the game.
    code-zero likes this.
  3. Apollyon New Member

    Seems like they dont have man power to keep servers can they design and implement a new expansion. Bertox has had issues almost daily. Predict expansion will be a buggy mess.