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Crafting Keyring - Swiss Army Knife

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ramstein_Povar, Feb 6, 2021.

  1. Ramstein_Povar Journeyman

    I would love it to have all my crafting tools at my fingertips! It would be awesome to have a keyring with all our crafting tools/trophies on it! :)
    Angahran, Sokki and Andarriel like this.
  2. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    Would be nice as is i got four level 7 trophies equipped (primary, secondary range and ammo)and the other 4 are in one of my bags in the bank for the rest. What i would love is if one trophy had all them combined but thats probably wishful thinking. I used to have only 7 level trophies on this char and i figured what the heck leck make this one a gnome to get another goodthing about it i dont have to worry about shrinking myself :)

    Oh be nice if the make all button would actually make til you run out of stuff instead of the random crap so annoying. Only place i can do non stop is in my neighborhood but hard to do the baz sell thing if im in another zone. Yea this char is retired to the baz. Ok my ranting is done hehe.

  3. Nennius Curmudgeon

    It has been said before, but if you get all of the trophies your class can get than how about

    "One Trophy to Rule Them All" ?
  4. Sokki Still Won't Buff You!!

    Yes!! Between all the hammers, needles, shears, and god knows how many other TS "tools" I have in bags. It would be nice to have a place to keep them all in one place for easy access!!
  5. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Great idea. Make it a feature upgrade. 2500SC for a trophy/TS tool/TS bag consolidator.

    Take my money!
  6. Cadman Elder

    Already exists in a sense - you can place tradeskill trophies in your House and just access them via the tribute window