Couple of questions about monsters

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Deckerd Smeckerd, Mar 10, 2013.

  1. Deckerd Smeckerd Augur

    Are there any monsters that are really hot or cold? A monster with an aura that causes heat or cold damage?

    Are there any monsters that do abilities that check stats like strength, dex, agility, intelligence, wisdom, or charisma to resist? Like, is there any monsters that can cause a strong wind to throw people but if you have high strength you can resist? Or do any monsters cast spells that cause magic users to fizzle a lot, but the higher their dexterity is the less they are affected?

    I guess what I am asking is have the developers used our main stats to increase the ways that monsters can try to attack us with special abilities? If not, It seems like there would be lots of interesting things that could be done if our main stats were also resistances.
  2. iniari-TR Augur

    there are mobs that will cast a pbae but as far I know there are none that use a specific type DS / aura.

    there are mobs that will cast a spell , or zone de-buff that affect int / wis or cast / melee slow.

    I would imagine that what you are suggesting would require a much improved AI or at least difficult coding. the equations used for atk , spell damage , etc are rather complicated and full of random numbers. more cost efficient and ease of design to keep things as simple as possible.
  3. Crystilla Augur

    Most of the named I can think of that have auras with them are more on the raid scene (Bloodmoon raids in SoF expansion for example), or zonewide things like DemiPlane had before you turned in blockers to lessen the effects, RoF's Kael raid with the cleric required reverse DS#3 (as I call it) needed to be cast on the Dain or every melee dies, or HoT's Al'Kabor raid with the cleric RDS again needed on the skeletons in that 1st phase.

    But there aren't many group named like that for a few obvious reasons (e.g. it would be bad to require 1 specific class to be in the 6 person group when there are 3 healer classes) and what Iniari mentioned above.
  4. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    They tried to make the named more varied and special in VoA, and everyone cried and bitched and moaned they were too hard, despite the fact they were tuned with group-gear equipped players.