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Could today be THE day...

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Zansobar, Apr 1, 2024.

  1. Zansobar Augur

    when they announce the new TLP servers rulesets?
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Not today, they wouldn't be believed!
    Rijacki likes this.
  3. Zansobar Augur

    That's what they think you would think!
  4. Cfuson Journeyman

    They never post tlp rulesets on any other day except fridays.
  5. Zansobar Augur

    This is a special year, maybe they will surprise us!
  6. Crabman Augur

    https://www.everquest.com/news/eq-producers-letter-april-2023 - april 5th 2023 was a wednesday
    https://www.everquest.com/news/eq-producers-letter-spring-2022 - april 7th 2022 was a thursday
    https://www.everquest.com/news/eq-mischief-progression-server-2021 - april 26th 2021 was a monday
    https://www.everquest.com/news/eq-rizlona-aradune-progression-server-launch-2020 - april 28th 2020 was a tuesday

    so they have actually never posted the rulesets on a friday...
    maxisbored, Iyacc, OldTimeEQ1 and 2 others like this.
  7. Demetri Augur

    Yea, historically Wed and Friday were the days, mostly Friday for the examples I found. (the single Wed was way back, Coirnav I think?)
  8. wade_watts Augur

    They leaked them in Discord earlier today (Discord if you don't have it). Said an announcement is coming in the producers letter on Wednesday.

    Basically, a phinny clone with slower exp (tormax) and a kunark locked bonus exp/bonus loot server (teek).
    maxisbored likes this.
  9. Stagentti Augur

    2/10 troll. At least be somehow believable with your pranks.
  10. Zansobar Augur

    I'm hoping for a Monday news dump!
  11. fransisco Augur

    One will be FV rules pvp, the other will full race to unlock pvp! No timed unlocks!
    Oh, the catch is that rogues and druids are the only classes available until DoN.
  12. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    If I had to GUESS...

    One True Box (will go relaxed box at OoW)

    One non true box

    All other rules same

    FTE on BOTH

    Free Trade on BOTH

    Random Loot on BOTH

    Legacy XP on BOTH

    or Tormax non FTE and is PVP the other is FTE and PVE.
    maxisbored likes this.
  13. Zansobar Augur

    I think you are pretty close on your first guess, I don't see anyway they will waste resources on a pvp server given how few people would ever roll a character there.
    Demetri likes this.
  14. Vicus Augur

    I am pretty sure it will be this week, no clue what day.
  15. Zansobar Augur

    I hope so. I don't want to get too hyped until I know the rulesets as they have swung and missed quite a few times in the past.
  16. Vicus Augur

    Yeah, I just want closure. Either going to play because it's something exciting..or moving on because it is just a clone of something previously.
  17. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I've made a plan, if I don't like the new ruleset I'll go do my plan in Mischief, but it will mean I will have to box and a lot of thing will have to be done out of era.
  18. Demetri Augur

    I think you've got most of it right, with a few aspects (most of the variables) wrong...

    1) Both will be Truebox (perhaps early relaxed for one or both, but both with have some degree I'm sure)
    2) Zero chance of PVP on either.
    3) Random loot won't be Mischief style with the up to 6x more loot vomiting out and all of it being random - my guess would be 1 extra drop slot from a random table. (possibly 2 drops on Teek, 1 drop on Tormax, see #3) [this is in addition to the original mob dropping their typical loot - also possibly limiting the tables more than the original version - i.e. same zone/etc]
    3) I believe the variable between them will likely be in the "difficulty" aspect - and being that the full Legacy mechanic from Oakwynd makes things easier with most targeting the current xpac elements - I'd imagine that the Legacy variables will be the differentiation between the two. i.e. if Teek gets a +50% bonus to AAXP in Luclin, Tormax will get +25%, etc

    Final note, which I literally just thought of as well - I could see Teek having named drops or early augs moved to zonewide rares overall with the name of Teek - as Teek is associated with hotzones where zonewide rare drops of augs became a thing.
  19. Arclyte Augur

    My crystal ball tells me the loud minority here will produce a lot of whining on the forums, while the majority of the playerbase enjoys the game
    Shalom likes this.
  20. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    The window is officially open Today thru Thursday or we leak into next week.