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Cooling Chamber, It's Getting Hot in Here Quest

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Vermilya, Jun 12, 2024.

  1. Vermilya New Member

    Category: Quest
    Date/Time: Wed Jun 12 18:35:03 2024

    Character: Level 91 Necromancer (Main)
    Zone: The Cooling Chamber
    Location: -189.61, -353.68, -24.93, 146.84

    Decription: I am on Xegony Server, I have an issue with getting a quest update for It's Getting Hot in Here in The Cooling Chamber for my 3 accounts on characters Soulmaggot, Vermilya, and Earthbender. The bug is that the 1st step of the quest won't update, followed all information from EQresource, EQ Allakazam, among other information. At this time on the server this quest is broke. I have spent 3 days trying to get an update. If I can get help with information or even someone to give credit on these 2 steps to my characters listed, would be of great help or even the quest as whole. Would be much appreciated.
    Drewie likes this.
  2. Drewie Augur

    We did this task a few months ago with a level 85+ group and encountered the same issue. This has reportedly been bugged since the task was introduced.

    I came back later alone and it updated very fast. So the trick seems to be that only 1 person in group gets the task and does the first two steps, then another group member gets the task and completes these two steps, and so on. The following steps should be ok as a group.
  3. zarcal Augur

    Zone out to Paludal Caverns(?) whichever zone is right near the update point. The person you want to get the update for zones in first, the rest of group after. Whomever you want to get the update moves towards the mob. Got it that way several times, but it works infinitely better if only one person has the task.
  4. Vermilya New Member

    We're you invisible or non invisible and may I ask the precise location you had update, did you have to clear the area 1st, anything like that is helpful.
  5. zarcal Augur

    All i remember is it one of the guys standing in the open area next to the dead end tunnel. But yes I was invisible and behind the mob.