Consistency desired between '/outputfile inventory' and '/outputfile realestate'

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Khat_Nip, Jun 27, 2014.

  1. Khat_Nip Meow

    The heart of the matter lies on the results of /outputfile inventory displaying everything we have that is worn, in our bags, or banked; including Augments and /outputfile realestate producing similar results but excluding any augments they contain, displaying only the parent item.

    For example:
    /outputfile inventory would result in a txt file containing an entry for my helm that I'm wearing:
    Head    Suppressed Etheric Soulrender Helm    94851    1    6
    Head-Slot1    Barrier of Coalesced Clouds    128472    1    6
    Head-Slot2    Antithesis of Fear    61219    1    6
    Head-Slot3    Reindeer Antlers Ornament    85422    1    6
    If I were to store that same item as-is in my house and invoked /outputfile realestate I would be presented with the base item and no more information about what the item contains aug-wise.
    It would simply be listed as:
    Plot    PlotNameShortened    Suppressed Etheric Soulrender Helm    Khatt    Stored    94851    1
    Consistency aside (though it shouldn't be), I've found myself on occasion trying to find where that Lore type-3 is tucked away that prevents me from buying a new one or just simply knowing what augments/purity augs I have stashed away in previously-housed armor piece.

    I can appreciate that an issue such as this falls to the south end of a To-Do list but perhaps you could keep it in mind for a slow day.
    Siddar likes this.
  2. Angahran Augur

    Would be useful.

    What's really needed is a /wheretheheckis xyz command :p
    Brogett likes this.
  3. Brogett Augur

    While we're on the subject, add an /outputfile AA command too so it can be uploaded to services like magelo and raidloot without the need to use what are essentially hacking tools to grab the data out of EQs memory.
  4. Fanra

    Also, it needs some feedback that it actually does something when you type in the command, like "Output file created" showing in your chat window after you use it, rather than the current nothing.

    The whole issue of dealing with your items is a big problem. I use ItemDataManage which is great but unfortunately has not been updated in two years and has trouble with real estate.
  5. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    If you want it done right you have to do it yourself:




  6. Fanra

    Where can I download Beimeith's Inventory Parser, please?
  7. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Nowhere, heh. It's still technically a work in progress. I made it about 2 years ago because I got tired of looking through all my alts for stuff, but I got it to the point it was "good enough" for what I wanted it for even if it isn't technically finished.

    If you want to test it for me though I suppose I can make it available.