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Consider allowing to mem Rk2's w/Silver accts..

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Karthanon, Mar 5, 2014.

  1. Karthanon Augur

    ...but only allow Rk1 effects. I'm not asking for freebie Rk2's, just want to be able to mem them, even if I only get Rk1 effects out of them. Otherwise they just get to sit in my bank, idly waiting for me to make enough platinum to get a Krono. Or 750SC, I suppose.

    Yeah, yeah. First world EQ problems.
  2. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    If you can't afford 750SC for something that occupies that much of your time, maybe you don't have first-world problems.
  3. Karthanon Augur

    Hardly taking up that much time...it's just an annoyance. /shrug
  4. Ratbo Peep Augur

    The one time fee unlocks all RkII spells forever. Well worth it.
  5. Lighteningrod Augur

    Plus one for this. I wish I could "scribe" Rk. III. Again, don't care about the effective rank which is actually cast, I just want to put it in my book.
  6. Sebbina Augur

    Really, do you even check the difference between Rk I and Rk ii, it is minor (yes there is a difference), if and when you are prepared to commit to gold time, then consider the Rkii spells. For the OCD who want/need that completion, I suggest investing time and effort into dealing with that. I suffer from Acrophobia, and while I don't stand on the edge of cliffs, I did learn to operate an over head crane, and some of them are a ways up to the cab.
  7. Lighteningrod Augur

    What a terrible, thoughtless post.