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Confronting Calix

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by silku, Jan 2, 2015.

  1. silku Augur

    What group makeups have you guys had success with for this one? We're finding it rough at the moment. Getting the tactics down but it's really a pain for a single group to do this (or are we missing something key?)
  2. Truklin Elder

    Lanys gets weaker the lower hp she has. Calix is the opposite. Also, Lanys has a sneaky little buff called Mana Conversion, put your melee dps on her.
  3. Edrick Augur

    Do enough damage until they're dead.

    Seriously though you're going to have to tell us what you've been trying, and what your group makeup is, before we can narrow down what you should do differently.
  4. Inke New Member

    Did it with Necro, Wiz, War, Boxed Shm/Monk duo and a merc cleric. Melee dps doesn't seem to be recommended because of the aura dodging. Easier to avoid the bad stuff when you can cast from wherever.
  5. Dibab Augur

    2 tanks (warrior pally). cleric, shaman, rogue, enchanter. Took a while, but we wont once we learned the event. i would switch out the enchanter for a zerker maybe. other than that it wasnt bad
  6. Orbital101 Augur

    war, (cle,bard(box) 2 rogues merc 1 cle merc how harder can you make this? =x
  7. Sancus Augur

    Done it 12 or so times with Mage, Mage, boxed enchanter, and 3 healer mercs. Our best run time is around12 mins; I'm sure a real group could do it in *much* less time (we have to sit waiting for lanys to go to rested). We've also done it 3 times with Mage, Mage, Necro and three healer mercs. So it definitely shouldn't be too difficult... Our very basic strategy is kill 1st mob (screw auras), take out calix's adds, have a pet on each mob, and Dps lanys when she's rested and calix when she's exhausted. We bring Calix to about 55% then Lanys below 60%, then Calix and Lanys below 40% (not below 30% until they're both there). Then we bring Calix to 2%, Lanys below 10%, and then we kill Calix. Dunno if all that is necessary, but it works pretty well.

    What's your group make up? What is your strategy?
  8. silku Augur

    At the moment we were trying it with a Paladin, Wiz, Chanter, Mage and two cleric mercs. We get G down every time. Then get Calix tanked, and lanys tanked. Start taking them down. Then one Calix gets below 50% the paladin goes down every time. So we swapped and had the earth pet tanking Calix and the paladin died on Lanys to the adds. (No idea what's going on there.) I think our strategy is sound, just maybe the tank isn't able to handle it.
  9. Dibab Augur

    whats your pally ACunbuffed? how are his augs? is he using discs? using AA defensives?
  10. Ravengloome Augur

    Are you casting Umbral (not darkened) auspice on the tank? The threshold is lower so it will prevent more damage in group content.

    Maybe spam rune him/her when stuff starts getting real?

    Is the tank actively spamming self heals?
  11. Sancus Augur

    I've found the adds are *very* low HP. We generally end up with the Mages tanking them (they don't seem to use Lanys' hatelist)... If I use Darkened Rune once, the adds are dead before it breaks. So some sort of runes might be a good idea.
  12. Ravengloome Augur

    Darkened rune doesn't do much for the add tank since the threshold is 20k damage. Umbral is 12k.

    So the hit has to be above the threshold for it to prevent any damage...
    Silv likes this.
  13. Sancus Augur

    Darkened Rune is a 53K straight up rune (100% straight up absorption). Guessing it isn't too useful for tanks, but when silkies are taking damage for short periods of time it works :)

    Edit: Think you're talking about Darkened Auspice, which is a separate spell.
  14. Ravengloome Augur

    Nah I was being a dumby and confused with auspice. Sorry.
  15. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    I mapped the top floor (it's not exciting, but might be a little useful) and made some GINA triggers for this mission, you can download them if you'd like:
    - Arx Mentis map files (top floor)
    - GINA trigger package
    In the GINA package:
    - Calix AE timer (every 75s he does an AE)
    - when Lanys is Exhausted (absorbs spells as healing, weak to melee)
    - when Lanys is Rested (resistant to melee, weak to spells)
    - a warning if you accidentally nuke Lanys and cause her to heal
    - Lanys tank swap emote
    - Calix debuffs - Lesser Energy Barrier / Charge (these mechanics are iffy, or I have them listed wrong)
    - Lifescourge warning emote (not vital to this mission)
    - Lich adds timer, which you can stop by saying "adds done" (Lanys stops spawning adds at 60%)
    - 200k AE warning at the end of the mission

    I would not burn the first boss - instead burn Calix as soon as he spawns. Ignore the doomscale adds, the NPCs will kill them. Calix + Lanys will be easier to handle if you tank with them facing you in a corner - this way the knockback causes less trouble. If you can get Calix to 60%, you'll be able to get Lanys to 60% fairly quickly and stop the adds from spawning.

    The adds are pretty rough - even though they hit for low #s and have low HP, they can quad, and 5 of these hitting one person can dish out a lot of damage. I would throw out an AE stun and/or mez as soon as they spawn.

    The damage AE cast by Calix is random - either the "low dmg for being close" or "low dmg for being far away." You can't predict which one it is (unless there's a mechanic I don't know about), so there's no point in trying to position yourself to minimize this damage. We just have both bosses together, to minimize trouble during tank swaps and to make healing easier.

    For tank swaps - it might be better to have the pet tank Lanys, and the pally on Calix (unless they are comfortable tanking both). This way when Lanys does tank swaps, she will likely summon/switch to the pally instead of a squishy.

    If you have all the mechanics and positioning down, and still can't win, I think that finding a real healer would help. This event is very AE intensive.
    silku, Sancus and Silv like this.