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Complete disregard by staff

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Mac Daddy Slim, Jul 13, 2024.

  1. Mac Daddy Slim New Member

    Just a copypasta of my lasted ticket, as I assume the response will be another copypasta telling me to post here.

    I started playing EQ when it launched. I was there for "Never quest". I won't pretend to have been active this entire time, but I can state that I have always come back due to the quality and nostalgia.
    In the 25 years of play, I have been willing to just roll with any punches that hit me in regards to bugs, mishaps, in-game issues.It's part of my personality and the fact that I was raised on games like UO and EQ, back when there was difficulty.
    I say that to say this; the responses and resolutions offered to me the first time I experience an issue so detrimental as to warrant me writing a ticket has been met with absolute disregard and boilerplate responses that equate to 'get over it'.
    I have indisputable in-game proof that verifies that I have completed a portion of my CLERIC EPIC (just to stress the importance of the quest). I decided to just repeat the last step because it would take less time than waiting for a response. But, after she refuses to take the ring, I get a response that offers zero help. Now, I maybe have to reset the the entire quest line? I say maybe, because who knows if that will even work. An error made by your game wasted 12+ hours of my actual life. Your response has made it so that I have had to spend 10 more hours of my life requiring the items and now I have to spend 3-12 more hours of my "game time" literally sitting looking at a patch of grass (that I have already completed) hoping and praying that some zerg bot guild doesn't just take it from me again.
    The entire time, the frozen water orb is literally in my bag.

    At the very least, have the decency to pause for a moment, and responsd to me personally. I honestly understand this portion of your job and how wonderful and useful boilerplates are. However, this is one of the exceptions, I believe.
    Myliel, Allworth and persephone024 like this.
  2. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    Lots of people have been where you are, myself included.

    No amount of crying will have an impact. Go get it done again.
  3. Kaelwyse Lorekeeper

    That is unhelpfully dismissive.

    This isn't "crying" about about a trivial quest, which can be rectified by going and killing a few trash mobs. This is a bug in the game's most iconic quest line, which by design requires a huge time investment to complete.

    While bugs are always going to happen, we should expect a minimum level of support when they do. This isn't the sort of bug that makes someone annoyed for a few minutes before moving on. This is the sort of bug that people consider quitting the game over. If you are a fan of the game and its continued existence, this should upset you.

    It should be reported every time, and we should expect it to be resolved every time. If it happens to you, you should be upset about it. If support can't resolve this for OP, we should all be upset on his behalf.
    Myliel, Allworth and Duder like this.
  4. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Two questions.

    1. When was the petition made? Responses to petitions can take a while.

    2. What is the "indisputable in-game proof"?
    fransisco likes this.
  5. Mac Daddy Slim New Member

    There has been a response. Which was an auto response telling me how to report bugs.
    2. The proof is the Orb of Frozen Waters, being the conclusion to that portion of the quest.

    The initial bug involved the ring and Ix fight, but I am willing to just refight Ix. The issue now is that Natasha will not accept the ring, stating that I have not turned in the bloodied robe. (Orb of frozen water portion)
  6. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Not real familiar with cleric epic but I did find this that may help if you read thru it all of the changes they made a couple years ago on this epic.

    Perhaps this could help? Once you hand the Lord Gimblox's Signet Ring to Natasha you will have to hand a new Blood Soaked Plasmatic Priest Robe to Omat for Natasha to accept another Signet Ring from you.

  7. Mac Daddy Slim New Member

    Know it or not, that answers exactly what happened. I can only assume it's to fix some shortcut or bug. Regardless, this mechanic should not apply to my quest breaking due poor pick mechanics. I get things happen. But, my loss should be the time it took to bring the issue to the proper channels. I can't imagine the actual policy is 'when it's our fault, tell them tough luck'. Cool, my personal fix for the games error was 'get a new ring'. Sorry, you patched the end-users option. So... Cough it up. Take my ring and give me the next piece. Or spawn ix. Or just Give me the staff and message (the latter deleted while trying to troubleshoot the ring, so that should be ezpz.) . I don't really care how well you correct the mistake I had no part in, really. A full reset is pretty unacceptable.

    Edit: I should note, I am redoing the entire thing, regardless of outcome I don't really have an interest in waiting. The argument remains.
  8. Raccoo Just a raccoon

  9. persephone024 New Member

    I feel your pain. I did a petition over something I thought was a problem. I got a pretty immediate response that stated that it sounded like it was highly plausible that, based off the info I provided, I may have found an issue. They then told me I needed to report it as a bug, and the way to do that was to come here and post. I did so. The only response I got was from, I presume, another player who gave some advice on how to accomplish what I was trying to do (get two certain mobs to spawn), to which I informed them that I had already done their suggestion (along with other suggestions that I have scoured the internet for)...for hours upon hours over the course of SEVERAL days. No other response from anyone. I responded and told them as such, and that's the last of the comments on the thread.

    I mean, it would be nice if reports were taken seriously enough to get a response even if it isn't actually a bug. I see where they tag posts as "confirmed" when they have decided it is actually bugged, but nothing for others. If something isn't bugged, maybe just do a, "Hey, we checked it out. Everything seems to be working fine on our end." kind of response. At least you would know someone took a moment to check it out.

    Also...I reported this "potential" bug over a week ago. I have been on, daily, for multiple hours each time (anywhere from two to six, give or take), trying to get two particular mobs to spawn (in the same zone)...one of which should be "easy" to do from all of the advice I've gotten elsewhere, but it still doesn't happen. Neither of them. Also, I'm still on radio silence from those who could provide a potential answer.
  10. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    As someone who's 'been there, done that' it's simpler, faster, and overall better to simply repeat the work.
  11. Manerz Elder

    The change was made because in the past Natasha wasn't always up in tim deep. Once you turned in the blood soaked robe Natasha would spawn for a short period and you had to turn in the gimblpx ring before she despawned. If you messed up and didn't turn in the ring, you would get people waiting for another cleric to turn in their robe and then they would snipe the Natasha turn in. They fixed this by giving your character flags for different steps of the quest. You get a character flag for handing the robe in to omat, that flag is what Natasha checks for when you hand in the ring. Once you complete the hand in, that flag is removed and replaced with the next step.

    It was done in order to stop people from getting stuck on those parts of the cleric epic. All you need to do in order to turn in your ring again is turn in another robe to omat.
  12. Mac Daddy Slim New Member

    You can't get another robe unless you get the piece before it, which you can't get unless you turn burgles, which means a new burgles, which is the beginning of the quest.

    However, the issue was investigated and taken care of.
  13. Sirene_Fippy Okayest Bard

    I read this like 3 times, but I can't tell what the bug is
    Raccoo likes this.
  14. Quicksand Journeyman

    Perhaps something to do with

    "some zerg bot guild doesn't just take it from me again".
    Nennius likes this.
  15. Raccoo Just a raccoon

    The best I could come up with was they turned in an item and then the pick collapsed and pushed them into a different zone before they could finish whatever.