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Community Letter: A Note from Jennifer Chan

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by dreamweaver, Mar 11, 2020.

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  1. CatsPaws Just getting rid of the old

    Lack of employees, lack of players, lack of profit either way it closed down. Yes? Yes.

    But it does make one wonder.......where do they get the LON decks currently in the marketplace????

    Herodotus and forum troll like this.
  2. forum troll Elder

  3. david negron Lorekeeper

    Nevermind ... i got the HC. I thought i need to have a special membership to get one. I didn't know I can have all access when I pay with a krono. My apologizes:)
    Herodotus likes this.
  4. Herodotus Augur

    There's a guy at the corner of Absor and McQuaid avenues in Freeport that has them. Tell him "Htergn sent me".
  5. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    No that is incorrect.. past history of 'changes made to eula' was not shown to us. That is a fact. I am NOT going to research that for you to link exactly .. that was in the era of SOE.
  6. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    (I was one of them).
  7. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    If you redo your OS and the game is on a separate SSD, this is the only option you have to simply put a shortcut to 'launchpad.exe' on your desktop. There was no intention to 'bypass' anything. It is the result of what happens when you click the eqgame.exe icon ' please run launchpad.exe' .

    So many people here stating that the launcher was bypassed. NO. read what I just said.

    You deserve a Gold Coin!
    (John Wick coin)
  8. Angahran Augur

    You agreed to the EULA when you originally installed the game.
    You agreed to the EULA every time it has been changed because it pops up.
    So, you have, in fact, agreed to the EULA and so are bound by it whenever you play.

    There s no requirement for them to provide details of past changes. The current EULA is available for you to read anytime you like and whenever they make any changes to it it will popup and give you the opportunity to read the new document and agree to it before allowing you to continue to log in and play.
    Elyssanda and Nennius like this.
  9. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Do you just not want to read the EULA, or do you just not care about its content?

    I am curious.

    BTW, you appear to be legally bound by it, even if you only saw it once and chose not to read it. The case law is always evolving on this subject. And in any case, the company has the right to terminate your access to THEIR product pretty much any time they see fit. As I have already stated, you are inTHEIR world whenever you choose to avail yourself of the service and product you provide.

    I get the feeling you just want to do what ever you want with no consequences. Enlighten us if you please.

    I put spaces in between the sections so you can reply separately to each section if you wish.

    As an information source, here is a link to some of the rules that most of us don't usually read.


    And even more legalese:

  10. Angahran Augur

    I agree. Quit complaining about the EULA.
    If you disagree so strongly just logout and uninstall the game.
  11. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    You have turned this around. I mention I don't see one. You and others are complaining the fact I even said that. I have said it over and over how I don't see one when I log in or pay for items or monthly sub.
    It is simple as that, if you wish to bicker about it further.. do so with your peers.
  12. Jaylnn Gnomish Bog Jogger

    I only read part of this.. as far as the EULA. you already agreed to it.. You are saying it doesnt pop up.... Try this... On account choices,, click the x and remove the autosaved information. When you enter the information in for a "new account" aka something not saved... you are forced to click yes or no to the EULA... just because you clicked it (its existed this way for many years) doesn't mean that is not valid.. You agreed to it, and you choosing to ignore it just makes you the fool
    Yinla likes this.
  13. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Where do I chose to ignore it? Why are you calling me names?

    You all need to think before replying. Be nicer. Assuming and name calling and insulting.
    I clearly stated I don't see one anymore for years. I explained how my short cut is made on desktop. Another replied my shortcut is legit and not bypassing anything. I know it is not bypassing anything.

    Also, there is no EULA in buying any item even if paying for a sub when clicking DB button.

    This is all I am saying. Now scroll up at all the nasty replies on believing I "IGNORE" and or other nasty replies.

    Don't call me a fool.

  14. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    I am curious.. have you been reading the thread?

    Do you believe I don't agree with ' THEIR product ' for some reason on my stating I don't see a EULA when I log in?

    Where do I say I " don't want to read the EULA "?
    Where do I say I " don't care about it's content "?

    OH, I'm sorry, I forgot to put a space between the two lines above, will that be OK with you?

    Now pay attention to what I said, and stop assuming and stop being nasty.
  15. Jaylnn Gnomish Bog Jogger

    I apologize for calling you the fool. I didnt read most of the replies from other people, i was replying more to an earlier comment where you said there was no EULA (in your process of logging in) . I may have been hasty in my judgement, but the EULA is on the patcher in the settings. I assumed you were ignoring it, but you just didnt click through that section on the patcher.

    There doesn't need to be a EULA within the game itself though, because by entering the game you agree to the full EULA.

    So i do apologize if some of my reply was taken out of context
  16. Zapford Elder

    Late to the party as usual...

    Congorats Jen!

    Good luck directing the continuing paths of EQ and EQ2, and the future path of EQ3 (we wont call it next) wherever it might be going. I am ready for a little hype building material...hint hint screenshots.
  17. Jaylnn Gnomish Bog Jogger

    Aye, back to the original purpose of this thread. Congrats Jchan! Much respect for you in what you do. I've seen some of the things that were "impossible" or non realistic over the years, and i think it was an excellent choice they made.
  18. Nennius Curmudgeon

    Wasn't being nasty. I can if you want. You are just obtuse.
  19. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    You don't know what your doing.
  20. Aussieguy Elder

    This is false, once a company changes certain mechanics in game / cash shop updates the EULA must be updated. Therefore the EULA will be voided.

    Also EULA isn't a legally binding contract.
    UncleB likes this.
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