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collection items

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by iniari-TR, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. iniari-TR Augur

    I have several items that I have clicked and received the msg. that I have finished collecting that item yet the achievement box is unchecked.

    no idea if I received credit , a ui error or broken item.
  2. Juston3smok333 New Member

    I'm down to the last ten items on both toons, minus the broken line.
    Bought three rareish items this morning, clicked all three but the Dusty Pelvis didn't update, after zoning twice.
    I sent in a petition and screenshot of the collected text and no update.

    On Povar this morning around 530am est.
  3. TSR-SeanF Augur

    If you currently have a ticket number regarding the petition you have on file please feel free to PM it to me and I will be sure to have it sent to our correct in-game queue to provide you with the quickest response possible.
  4. Juston3smok333 New Member

    Thanks, if I don't hear anything in a couple days Ill PM you. No rush since that BG line is broken, so can't actually finish the quest in whole yet.