Collection Depot

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by demi, Oct 26, 2022.

  1. demi Augur

    as the title says ..
    can we huh can we pls ..
    maybe for next expansion :p
    CatsPaws, Rikantiz and adetia like this.
  2. Andarriel Everquest player since 2000

    no what we need next is a trader depot.
  3. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All

    1000x this :)

    I need a extra big love button for this post :)

    A guild version where i can differentiate use vs withdraw similar to the TS depot would really be a huge gamechanger for me, and i'm sure i am not alone.
    Rijacki and Nennius like this.
  4. Sobmre Augur

    with 5000 slots minimum
    CatsPaws likes this.
  5. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    With stacks, you don't need that many. Collections have only been in game since RoF and have at most 32 distinct items per open zone with not all heroics having any and only 8 for those that do. Plus, some of the collectibles are really common and in safe places to look for them even without invis or ivu (ground spawn in some zones) so you could choose to not fill the depot with those.
  6. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Gonna have to disagree with you on your count. I have now, filled 4 houses with stacked collects. As each house holds 300 then that alone is 1200 stacks.

    In addition I have filled many Deep Caverns Collector's Case and passed them around to my alts.

    Also full is my Fear Collector's Case and the Collector's Dimensional Case.

    There is a even a special house for the Hardcore Heritage collects and those alone total 63 collects.

    ROF alone has over 200 collects.

    Not sure what the comment about "with not all heroics having any any" is in reference to?

    Afaik Heroic AA and Heroic Characters are not related to collections.
  7. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    Zones, heroic missions/zones. Not all have collectibles in them. If they do, there are only 8 distinct items. I'm counting how many per zone/expansion not how many overall. But I did forget about the holiday ones.

    I'm a bit salty on collections, too, since the only reward for doing them for all expansions except 3, are just AA/XP and a bag. The first 3 expansions with collections had house item rewards.For RoF, you had to complete all of the collections to get a handful of items. For CotF, there was a handful of house item rewards for groups of 4 collections, then groups of those, then even more for collecting everything along with the big bag and the AA/XP all the way through. TDS was similar to CotF but with far fewer house items than CotF. Then again, I'm salty over the utter dearth of house items after adding the feature in HoT and essentially abandoning it 5 expansions later.

    Using Houses as a collections depot, that might be all some think they're good for. To that end, I wish the crates would hold non-placeable items because, other than weapon slot items, there aren't enough unique house items to make the big crates needful other than to move from one plot to another. If you "need" a house to hold collectible or other non-placeables, then you have zero incentive to decorate (to make a neighbourhood look like a neighbourhood) because to do so takes up the slots you could use for storage.
  8. Vumad Cape Wearer

    I wish I could put my extra collections in an ACH style window, so collecting collections feels more like collecting.
  9. Toukan Augur

    How about when we search the bazaar "Collectibles I don't have" is an option ?
    CatsPaws likes this.
  10. Sebbina Augur

    Some folk are hoarders, others not so much. I have a buffbot account (Ranger) the other slots are for expac named shiny storage, 34 slots with mixing bowls, it is possible to handle 8 zones with 4 sets each.
    Also i have another Buffbot account ( they offered free Heroic on All access and it seemed like a good idea) so I made TS mules in the spare slots, Extraplanar satchels are plentiful. Not sure how the new TS storage thing is going to work on my mains, that has yet to be learned.
  11. Skuz I am become Wrath, the Destroyer of Worlds.

    I think this hoarding of collections should have a visual impact on the houses of the hoarders.

    You folks are ill.

    Wyre Wintermute, Kegwell and CatsPaws like this.
  12. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    Have you looked at the trophy rewards you get from completing collects? You get more trophy slots and more trophys which can have heroic stat increases of like 55 to all. A pretty nice little rewards.

    I think you misunderstood. My houses are not all for collects. I own an almost full neighborhood and have decorated 80% of the houses, am waiting on the next marketplace sale to pick up some more goodies. You can use any item in a house to look like something else. These are not mine but you should go look if you think there are not enough housing items to use as decorations. In this post he lists the server and the neighborhoods.
  13. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    To @CatsPaws and @Rijacki:

    You are both right.

    You don't need 5000 slots. All told, there are 2425 collectables so far. At ~200 per expac, there's room for ~12 more expacs before it would run out of room.

    And yes, if you're using 4 houses, you're out of room. Because 1200 < 2425 :)
    Rijacki likes this.
  14. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I think the poster (Sombre) who wanted those 5000 slots was exaggerating a little in an effort to emphasize the need. ;)
  15. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    I'm not up to -that- many. I only have about a dozen across my alts with most only the outside done waiting for an idea to kick for the inside. I am well aware of how you can flip and twist stuff.

    I've also done some housing stuff in EQ2, mostly not in recent years. EQ2 still gets a bunch of new and unique house items in regular game play every expansion, every holiday event, anniversary event, and a few new items or new colourations of items even added to the monthly 'fair' and monthly 'moon' events each year. Other than waiting for the "next marketplace sale" how many more goodies can you pick up in EQ? I've been back in EQ since 2020 and I now have all but a few of the in-game (i.e. not DB cash) items that are available. I don't have a regular porter up to Pillars of Alar or I would have those tiles, too. If you really think there are "enough" house items in EQ, and especially that don't require paying real money to obtain, you should check out the housing in EQ2. The Haunted House The Spider on AB puts on every year might still be up. It won't have the player guides from a couple guilds but even without them it's still pretty amazing (Antonia Bayle sever, 4 Bayle Court, Thespider). It might be back to its tavern self by now which wouldn't have the linking paths to and through 4 or 5 other houses but is still rather nice. Heck, anything done by Tock on AB is pretty amazing. The EQ2 Homeshow Facebook group also showcases some really amazing stuff, too. ALL not even close to possible in EQ not because of polys but just because we absolutely do not have the same variety of items and even the same items in different colours. If you want to see what's available in EQ2, check out Lera's amazing site:

    If you want to see any of mine and verify I do know you can flip and twist, resize, sink, and float, I can give you the details for which in the neighbourhood are mine including server and neighbourhood, of course.
  16. CatsPaws No response to your post cause your on ignore

    I agree EQ2 is like the rolls Royce of housing, while EQ housing got abandoned and even the artists were let go. But that is why I put that link in about Vlads housing. He is amazing. And might be the same guy doing the EQ2 houses:)

    Well worth it to make a level 1 and go visit his Drinal server: Colonial Island: Park Circle section

    This is another good one with some U tube pics

    Other goodies you can pick up are things like Parasol of Flaming Beauty for an outdoor picnic scene, I used all the potions you get from guide events to make a mad scientist room, a lot of swords make cool lamps or chandeliers, shields are tables or windows, there really are a ton of drops you can incorporate.
  17. Tatanka Joe Schmo

    LOL, you'd laugh at my EQ housing. Just for storage, and trophy placement. So, when I get housing items through gameplay, the packrat in me can't let them go/destroy them/sell them, but I don't want to take up bank/house storage slots, so they just get placed wherever :)

    I did enjoy EQ2 housing when I played that game, it was a very nice system.
    CatsPaws likes this.
  18. Bernel Augur

    One way to do a "collection depot" would be leverage the existing collection window in the achievements UI. Allow people to overcollect a collectible and have a way to convert dups back into real collectibles, like this:


    This shows I have collected a total of 10 Pressed Bloodroses. If I want to convert one of the bloodroses back into a tradable item, I would highlight it and then press the Create button. It would remove one of the dups and put the Pressed Bloodrose collectible on my cursor. This is sort of the same way alternate currency works. It piles up in the alt-currency window and I can use the Create button to convert it to a stack of currency I can put in my inventory. But you wouldn't be able to uncollect an item. If I'm at 10/1 with the Pressed Bloodroses, the most I could create would be 9 of them so that I'm left with 1/1.
  19. Rijacki Just a rare RPer on FV and Oakwynd

    I do wander other neighbourhoods when I want some inspiration or just to find items I haven't seen before. I also started trying to compile a site (no where near as cool as Lera's for EQ2, more like blogging posts and only when I have time... which I haven't lately so it is likely never to be finished sadly). Yes, there are a lot of weapon slot items that do make interesting or even cool house items (one of my guildies used a shield for the water look to make her own bathtub). But it is really sad how abandoned housing is with every non-weapon slot item added for years only being available with paying real money.

    Thanks for the info about the parasol, it's not exactly easy to find out about housing items with a different look even if they're weapon slot bits. Looks like I need to figure out a trip to The Broken Mirror zones.

    And, I am sorry for the slight derail into Housing stuff.

    All of mine are Firiona Vie: Cedar Meadows but in a few different spots *laugh*. Naiarei's house on the hill is one of my several "how do we make the house not look like a cookie cutter house":
    I have the inside done on it, too, but much more 'standard' house inside.

    Aluyeni's is a bit more not so standard house inside. Nykiyra's are done outside but not inside, same with Chattazure's. Rijac has an ode to Qeynos that's not very elaborate (and the walls aren't perfectly lined up). Sanvynae has my first "make the house not a house" outside (and zero DB cash items). Chattazure's mountain was before I got the collection bits finished (also zero DB cash items). I also did the exteriors of the two rock pile houses by Chatta's boat (I splurged for the TDS boat a couple months ago). I did Lux's guild hall, too. I have a start on what accidentally seems to be turning into a prison for Sidheag (nothing too fancy and I'm not sure why my baby rogue would want a prison, but that's what happened *laugh*). And if you want to see all the house item rewards for collection quests, Wyste's house at 102 Guild Way is set up so I can let my guildies get items from stored.

    Each place I do, get more ideas swirling in my noggin. Most of my house decorating is with items in-game obtainable and not via DB cash (though I do have a few DB things and have drained my DB from subscription stash). I don't mind -some- items being only available with real money, but I am very disappointed that more isn't available without it. I've convinced a few of my guildies to start house decorating, too, but had to convince them it wasn't all just DB stuff (thus the 102 Guild Way house and Kekgok's tradeskilled furniture emporium).