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Cold Potato achievement

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by jgrahl, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. jgrahl New Member

    I'm trying to figure out this achievement if anyone has the exact details. Bidils' Great Adventure: Cold Potato during the raid Hand of the King. It would be great to know all the details of how to complete this achievement because there is some unknowns.

    It seems like the magnificent planar gem needs to always be used when you get it in your hands.
    If not passed to someone else or possibly a number of people, someone dies in 25-30 seconds when the gem zaps their corpse.

    "You just got the gem and fumble to get ahold of it well enough to toss it." What does a fumble do?

    "A large gem appears in your hands. It starts to build power." What does "It starts to build power." mean?

    One time I used the gem just after it said it builds power, then I died 25 seconds later and I don't think I should have. Maybe I took too long to pass it 14 seconds later?

    [Tue Mar 05 21:12:29 2024] Bidils shouts, 'What is the gem doing on the ground? How about you hold onto it this time, Playername1.
    [Tue Mar 05 21:12:34 2024] A large gem appears in your hands. It starts to build power.
    [Tue Mar 05 21:12:48 2024] You told Playername3, 'Hot potato to you'
    [Tue Mar 05 21:12:54 2024] The Magnificent Planar Gem pulses and zaps Playername2's corpse.
  2. Windance Augur

    We used 3x people. Each person passed it to the next A->B->C->A

    We told everyone in the raid to pass it to A first
    Paladin likes this.
  3. jgrahl New Member

    Getting everyone to pass it is a challenge to overcome.
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. FYAD Augur

    hence why it's an achievement.

    And even if you have 2 or 3 people that are really good at passing back and forth, it will randomly take it away from them and give it to someone else periodically. So you need to consistenly be giving it back to the designated passers.

    It's also unreliable that the gem will pass even when clicked. So people may have to click it 2 or 3 times.
    Paladin, Svann2 and Smokezz like this.
  5. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Use an audio trigger to alert you when you get it, holler out in voice chat who gets it. Use the paladins on the raid to toss it since its a short event with not much to do. Target paladin01, click gem, hit twin cast, cast splash, rinse and repeat.
    Paladin likes this.
  6. Bigstomp Augur

    You can fumble a click, there is an emote for fumbling it
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    This is what we do.

    There is also a false gem so be careful of that.

    Our rangers handle ours. The guild know who to start with. They have also been told if for any reason they can't target the nominated first player just pass it to a nontank or healer.

    You can hot key the targeting of a player, you can also hot key the click. Personally I prefer to click manually as lag is less of a factor then. AT is helpful to know you got it.

    I sit next to our first in line for passing and all through the event all I hear from him is "1 potato, 2 potato, 3 potato, click" with a few curses when he gets emoted to do something else.
    Windance likes this.
  8. 666DPSweDeliver Augur

    Nontank?? Are your tanks so busy with so few mobs that you deprive yourself of DPS to shorten the event? Bonus, tanks can actually survive the failure to pass it.
  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Tanks need to deal with the jesters, it is just easier to do a blanket not to a tank, there are plenty of others in the raid to play with the potato. And there is an achivement for doing it correctly, so no reason to fail for the sake of it.
  10. Ofearl Slayer of all things Stupid

    Honestly, you shouldnt be spending more than… 2-3 mins on the jesters. Pile them up, AE. Any tank, we use us paladins, can get the tater and still maintain agro on a jester and still pass it to the designated person. The only time we have failed this cheesement is when the tater is false and shifts to someone else and they didnt know it. So we resorted to calling them out in teamspeak.

    Sometimes you have to hold the hands of those that fail in order to achieve greatness.
    Metanis likes this.
  11. jgrahl New Member

    Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences
    Metanis likes this.
  12. Paladin Augur

    if they want the achievement, it's the only way. Put emotes in a stand alone window if needed?
  13. Lubianx Augur

    You will find that once you get the achievement, you can then start passing it to people that don't pay attention and laugh at them when they die
    Nennius, adetia, Knifen and 3 others like this.
  14. Fenthen Well, that's that...

    I tanked 4 of the 6 jesters while doing hot potato on Monday. The jesters are extremely easy to tank, it shouldn't be that difficult!
  15. adetia Monkess Wonder, Ruler of All
