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CMs/Devs: Please reconsider rollbacks of Selo/Mangler.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Truthfire, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. ShivanAngel Augur

    If you did all this, with the delusion you would get right in then that is on you.

    ALL the previous prog servers have had this issue. You planned on trying to log in, and it was a bonus if you got in to play.
    Bones, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  2. Ootax Augur

    Wow you're really pushing hard for this, they already said they aren't going to do it and a few players having those mounts for a couple hours at most is hardly a reason to roll back a server. Even if they do roll back the servers you will be the same situation again, waiting to log in and complaining about it on the forums.
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  3. barrth Journeyman

    well server is down now so yeah rollback would be great
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  4. vylo Augur

    Had vacation planned for 2 months in advance. Good times.
    Spooky, Bole and Fastlane like this.
  5. Pictarous Augur

    Spooky and Bole like this.
  6. nope1 New Member

    servers up
    Spooky likes this.
  7. ShivanAngel Augur

    first mistake
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  8. Fastlane Journeyman

    Me too bro, me too.
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  9. ShivanAngel Augur

    Its like black friday, except the line is random...
    Spooky, Bole and Fastlane like this.
  10. vylo Augur

    No, they haven't. I was here for hour zero of coirnav. I hit play, and logged in. Literally in and playing within 5 min. I couldn't even create a character in that time today.
    Fallfyres, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  11. Fastlane Journeyman

    Hey, what do you do when the servers are clogged? You post about the servers being clogged. It's tradition! Don't read too much into those of us who are frustrated. My office has NEVER been this clean :p
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  12. yraapt New Member

    they won't rollback. they are just praying ppl will give up and it will smooth out eventually
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  13. Flood New Member

    60th anniversary... If i live to 114 i see you in game.. Or in the forums at least.
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  14. KPW98 New Member

    Why would they rollback the server? Just cause you could create 50s at launch amirite? Its not bad, it doesnt impact how you play right?
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  15. ShivanAngel Augur

    You were one of the lucky ones then, I have been here for hour zero of every TLP, ragefire was the only one I got in within the first hour on.
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  16. vylo Augur

    Or you were extremely unlucky. There were virtually no issues on coirnav. The forums were basically a ghost town when it came to complaints.
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  17. ShivanAngel Augur

    Coirnav was also one of the least hyped prog servers tbh...
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  18. Lowlife Lorekeeper

    It's not a feels bad for those people. We're talking about less than 200 people out of thousands and thousands trying to log in. The "fair advantage" and "fresh start" is why people get hyped. If you log in and the people who had 2500 hp mounts and got potion exploits are level 15 and you're level 1. The race and excitement is completely dead.

    Please understand that other people have interests that may be different than yours. I'm sure you just wanted to login to mangler and hangout and make level 5 by Monday.
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  19. ShivanAngel Augur

    This the Gina "Lowlife down"?!?!

    I understand that, but wiping the server clean of those people who did manage to get in is really for those people. I doubt a huge number of people exploited the mount thing.

    But who knows selos is locked right now.
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  20. Ayar New Member

    I would hope they are higher than 15 by now with those buffs plus fast exp
    Spooky and Bole like this.
  21. Truthfire Lorekeeper

    There are reports of item duping including Krono and XP Potions. If that is true, rollbacks are a responsibility, not an option.
    Spooky, Bole and Crayon123 like this.