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CMs/Devs: Please reconsider rollbacks of Selo/Mangler.

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Truthfire, Mar 16, 2019.

  1. Truthfire Lorekeeper

    Team - please reconsider rolling back these servers. They were inaccessible for the first hour, at which time a non-functional queue was added which locked the vast majority of the population out. Meanwhile a few hundred players have had not only uncontested access to XP and loot, creating an unfair advantage, but also access to 2500hp/2500mana/500ac mounts, allowing them to easily snowball their initial advantage.

    This needs to be addressed.
    Ghostdog, kjempff, Spooky and 6 others like this.
  2. KPW98 New Member

    Its kind of unreal if they dont
    Fallfyres, Spooky, Bole and 2 others like this.
  3. Coirnav Augur

  4. Trackanon Elder

    It's annoying to wasting my real life time off for stupid like this.
    Ghostdog, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  5. ShivanAngel Augur

    So a few people got ahead, not sure how that hurts you.

    Yah the mount thing sucks, but they have never rolled back a server because of login issues before...

    Also a huge feels bad for the people lucky enough to get in and level legit only to have that time wiped.
    Spooky, Bole and Bobbybick like this.
  6. ShivanAngel Augur

    so go do something else and come back when the server stabilizes?

    No one is forcing you to keep hitting "play everquest"
    Spooky, Bole, Bobbybick and 1 other person like this.
  7. Tornat Augur

    they just need to go in and delete any character that has had a mount buff problem solved
    Ghostdog, Spooky, Bole and 2 others like this.
  8. Girth-Matters Lorekeeper

    They have never let under 200 people have free roam of the server for 3 hours while thousands sit at a broken queue either. This is unprecedented and they need to do something. Take it down until they figure it out, cause the issue is further exacerbated every minute this is like this.
  9. vylo Augur

    Yeah, I wasn't in favor of rollbacks until I heard about the mount thing, that's kind of insane. those mounts make you invincible til at least 40.
    Ghostdog, Taladir, Spooky and 3 others like this.
  10. Ewaz of_E'ci Journeyman

    if the 2500hp bug is real on top of everything else and they dont wipe, then they literally should never rollback another server again for any reason i could fathom. i cant think of much bugwise that could have more of an impact on a servers integrity and future then this combinations of events.
    Taladir, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  11. koook Elder

    Taladir, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  12. Truthfire Lorekeeper

    DBG, please listen to the voices in this thread -- this is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.
    Ghostdog, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  13. Jefro New Member

    Yes the servers need to be rolled back, all gains were received unfair via mount buffs. Period
    Ghostdog, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  14. barrth Journeyman

    trouble is if they rollback server we get to sit 4 hours all over again. So Imo it sucks they got the buff and in early but I dont want to sit here another 4 to 8 hours for rollback.
    Spooky, Bole and Bobbybick like this.
  15. Fastlane Journeyman

    Well, I have to sympathize with those of us who have planned for a month for this event. It's the 20th Anniversary for crying out loud. Some of us stocked up on Red Bull, chocolate, Pringles, and frozen pizzas, even took time off of work... only to be stuck at login for over 3 hours. idc if some folks are on and playing, good for them, but I'd really like to get started, too...
    Fallfyres, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  16. Girth-Matters Lorekeeper

    Who is we? We already are sitting for another 4 hours because they have NO CLUE what is going on. No clue.
    Spooky, Bole and Bobbybick like this.
  17. Kahna Augur

    How does other people leveling hurt anyone? The mount thing I am sure they will fix, but other than that? No one else leveling does anything to hurt the people not in game.
    Spooky, Bole and Bobbybick like this.
  18. Evade Augur

    Pray they open Rizlona and Bootlegger and roll there
    Ghostdog, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  19. Kcooler Lorekeeper

    people are also getting stacks of exp potions for the price of 1 i thought i read also.
    Ghostdog, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.
  20. AeHaze Lorekeeper

    Who in the **** cares if some people got a little head start an a 4 hour mount buff, Congrats to them. Its not hurting you in any way. You would have never gotten world firsts or anything, So get over it.
    Fastlane, Spooky, Bole and 1 other person like this.