[CLR] Fifteenth Emblem

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Sirene_Fippy, Mar 7, 2015.

  1. Iila Augur

    Let me try changing some emphasis to make this point more clear.
    This is not saying 'if you are not topping every heal parse, you are garbage, please kill you are self". It's saying that if your role for that event, though self, guild, group, or your dog's directions was to be a primary healer for a tank, then that tank's heal parse is your measure of effectiveness. The 80% part is to cover differences that matter. If you're at 1,185,936 healed vs another clr in your group at 1,239,842, it's not a big deal. That's about two heals. If you're at 1,185,936 and another clr in your group is at 1,783,745, that's a big difference! Either they're being more effective, or you're being less effective.

    Yes, rezing and rebuffing is important. But make no mistakes about it, whoever does that is making the decision that casting aego/symbol/skin/focus is the best thing they could be doing at that time. Getting tanks up and ready to tank again is important for any event that can chew through tanks. The same can't be said for non-tanks. If I die during an event, I never ask shm for rebuffs, as those aren't going to impact my performance enough to matter in any way. By the same token, I basically never rebuff melees with single-target skin midevent. But I will send tells for symbol/spell haste after I'm rezed, because spell haste pays off by extra heals from me pretty quickly.

    If your role is NOT to be a primary healer for that tank, then don't compare yourself to the primary healers. Look for others who had a similar role, and compare yourself to them.
    sojero likes this.
  2. Feezles New Member

    Thanks for a ton of useful infos, again :)
    Will be putting some of this to very good use.